Lee Se-joon makes comeback

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Lee Se-joon makes comeback

Singer Lee Se-joon of the ballad duo Yurisangja will release his first solo album in 17 years since his debut, his agency JJ Holic Media said yesterday.

The singer reportedly spent a lot of time and effort coming up with the album’s concept and producing the album: It will include 10 tracks that Lee wrote, composed and arranged himself. Its lead track, entitled “B On D,” an upbeat mid-tempo number, is one of his own songs, which makes use of the Irish whistle, the piano and the guitar.

Lee also covers three Korean ballads, including late singer Seo Ji-won’s definitive “With My Tears” and Kim Hyun-chul’s “Story.” Female vocalist Joo-hee, from group 8eight, also features on the album.

The 41-year-old singer debuted in 1997 with Park Sang-hwa in the two-member folk band Yurisangja. The two released a number of romantic ballads, including “May I Love You” and “To the Bride.” Lee’s solo album will be unveiled tomorrow.

BY Jin Eun-soo, contributing writer

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