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Autumn is finally here. As the weather gets chilly, it is natural for some to feel lonely and wistful.

Yet, GOT7 challenges the notion that autumn is a solemn season with an upbeat sound on their cheerful and refreshing album “7 for 7,” featuring energetic songs and a fun-loving vibe.

The lead track “You Are” composed by JB, the leader of the group, every member has added their name to the album’s credit as either as a songwriter or producer.

“7 for 7” is composed of seven songs with “You Are,” a tropical house track with a chorus that celebrates the freedom of being in love with someone, kicking off the album. The “You” of the song changes depending on who the listener is. It could be a lover, friend or family member.

“Moon U” and “Remember You” remind the listener of someone they miss, while the lively “Teenager” and the ballad “Firework” conveys messages of purity and consolation, respectively. “To Me” and “Face” suit lovers that are tired of each other.

By Hong You-kyoung
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