Samho pirates linked to another hijacking

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Samho pirates linked to another hijacking

The Somali pirates who hijacked the Samho Jewelry freighter were also involved in the earlier seizure of the Samho Dream, the Prosecutors’ Office in Busan said yesterday.

Jeong Jeom-sik, second deputy prosecutor, said they had found evidence linking the two Somali pirate groups together.

“When we brought together the crew members that had been on the Samho Dream and asked them to identify the pirates, some of the crew members said they recalled seeing four or five of the Somali pirates during their time in captivity.”

“After investigating satellite phone calls made from the Samho Jewelry and the Samho Dream, the number that was called the most out of 12 phone numbers belonged to the wife of the second leader in the pirate group,” said Jeong.

“As a result, we can say that the upper power structure that the pirates belong to is the same organization,” he added.

The pirates that captured the Samho Dream last April escaped with a record ransom of $9.5 million after holding the ship for over six months. Shortly after the Samho Dream was released, the Samho Jewelry was hijacked in January, giving way to strong suspicions that the pirates may have deliberately targeted the ship.

The Prosecutors’ Office also said yesterday that some of the captured pirates had identified a man named Mahad Yusuf as an investor of the pirates.

However, further investigation of the pirate organization will be difficult, said the office, because the pirate leader and his right-hand man were killed when the Korean Navy rescued the Samho Jewelry on Jan. 21.

Prosecutors also said that two of the bullets extracted from Seok Hae-gyun, captain of the Samho Jewelry, belonged to the Korean Navy, but they did not cause serious injury.

One bullet from an AK-47 rifle, which hit Seok’s abdomen, belonged to the pirates.

Seok remains hospitalized, needing several more surgeries.

The Prosecutors’ Office yesterday indicted the five pirates in custody; among the charges is attempted murder.

Arai Mahomed, who has been accused of being the pirate who shot Seok, has denied all charges against him.

The pirates’ trials are expected to start next month.

By Christine Kim []

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의료진은 석 선장의 회복상태를 보며 다음주께 수면제 투여 중단 여부를 결정할 계획이다. 수면제 투여를 중단하면 석 선장은 의식을 회복할 수 있지만 극심한 고통 및 스트레스와 싸워야 한다.

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