Kim Tae-woo joins ‘Pirates’ cast

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Kim Tae-woo joins ‘Pirates’ cast

Actor Kim Tae-woo, who rose to fame last year in SBS drama “That Winter, The Wind Blows,” is making a comeback - this time on the big screen.

He decided to join the crew for the movie “Pirates,” in which actress Son Ye-jin and actor Kim Nam-gil, both from the KBS drama “Shark,” have confirmed their roles as lead characters.

In the blockbuster movie that will depict conflicts between thieves based in the ocean and the mountains during the ancient Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), Kim Tae-woo will be one of the mountainside leaders while Kim Nam-gil will be the seaside equivalent.

Kim Tae-woo started filming his scenes on Wednesday.

The movie “Pirates,” which has ambitions of becoming the Korean equivalent of the Hollywood series “Pirates of the Caribbean,” has a budget of 10 billion won ($9 million).

By Lee Sun-min []
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