325 Korean Relics to Tour Europe

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325 Korean Relics to Tour Europe

Korean relics will be on tour throughout Europe.
The tour exhibition of Korean relics - on the theme 'Searching for the Korean Spirit' - starts on June 5 in Hessen, Germany and will continue through July. 325 relics, including 107 pieces of shamanist remains, 154 Buddhist antiquities and 64 pieces from the Confucianist era, have been selected for the exhibition. Among them are 15 items deemed 'national treasures' and 14 'treasures'. The others comprise precious cultural properties such as a ground-stone sword from the 3rd century BC.
A bronze mirror with eight arms is a typical item on show from the prehistoric age, and a gold crown and hat represent the Shilla Dynasty. Celadon porcelains portray images from the Koryo Dynasty, while the paintings from the Chosun Dynasty illustrate the life of the common people at that time.
The Central National Museum explained that all the relics on tour are related with traditional Korean religions so that the spirit of Korea can be conveyed to European visitors.

Jooan Kang : jooan@joongang.co.kr
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