Cultural Festivals at Chunchon and Taejon

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Cultural Festivals at Chunchon and Taejon

Two cultural festivals are to open at the end of May at Chunchon and Taejon: the 'Chunchon International Mime Festival', the only mime festival in Korea, and 'Taejon Humor Festival'.

Chunchon Mime Festival(, now 12 years old, is the event largely responsible for the introduction of mime to Korea where the art form is relatively unfamiliar. From May 24 to 28. Call 0361-242-0585 for more information.

Taejon Humor Festival, opening for the first time, is a unique event that deals with a crossover of cultural genres with the common ingredient of humor. From classical music to animation, highbrow art to pop culture, all meet through laughter. Comedy, comics, traditional Korean music and plays, installation art, and genre painting will be displayed at Eunhang-dong and Daehhung-dong in Taejon. Call 042-600-2978 for more information.
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