Kimchi and Ginseng Booming in U.S.

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Kimchi and Ginseng Booming in U.S.

It is revealed that the hitting rates on the advertisements of Kimchi and Ginseng inserted on the recent New York Times' website is much higher than the average hitting rates of the newspaper's whole advertisements and it reflected the Americans' interest in Kimchi and Ginseng.

According to the New York Times as of April 2 the total number of hits for Kimchi and Ginseng advertisements appearing on the New York Times from Dec. 20 of last year to March 30 of this year was 4,289. The hit rate of 0.78 is 0.28 percent higher than the average hit rate of 0.5 percent. The New York Times also reported that this is the first time that readers have shown a high level of interest in food advertisements specific to one nation. The Times also reported that 70 percent of viewers were less than 30 years old, thus confirming young Americans' interest in Korean Kimchi and Ginseng is increasing.

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