Korean Music Popular in Japan

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Korean Music Popular in Japan

'I do not understand Korean at all. But I feel it through music videos and the melody instead.'
Uchikawa Sayaka, a 17-year-old Japanese high school student who lives in Tokyo, is a great fan of Korean singer Park Jin Yong's hit song 'Kiss Me.'
Last year she visited Korea for a study tour and heard Korean songs then.
It was however impossible to buy Korean discs in Japan.
Nevertheless, Korean cable TV channel 27 m.net is sending 'Korean Pop Best 27' to Japan every week.
Japanese watchers are faxing more than 100 letters per week to the m.net studio .
Akie Takeshima is learning Korean to listen to more Korean songs ranking his own best Korean songs.
Kamon Ryo, running his cafe, is turning Korean songs in his place and customers like it too.
The popular response of the music signals the beginning of a new market for Korean artists.
Hwashik Bong : trojans@joongang.co.kr
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