Korean-Japanese Art Exhibition Opens

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Korean-Japanese Art Exhibition Opens

Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun reported on March 18 that the governments of Korea and Japan have agreed to hold a joint exhibition featuring national art treasures from both countries. The exhibition will be shown in both Seoul and Tokyo. This project is meant to honor Korea and Japan's joint-holding of the 2002 Worldcup.
The two countries named the year 2002 as 'the Year of Cutural Exchange' by their respective cabinets. Representatives from Japan and Korea agreed to hold the exhibition while discussing other details of cultural exchange. Japanese Culture minister Nakasone Hirohumi, who visited Korea on March 18, made clear his intentions to ensure the exhibition's success.
A large number of Korean cultural assets were shipped to Japan during the Japanese Occupation (1910 to 1945) and are currently being displayed at museums there. This exhibition, however, will mark the first time that Japanese cultural assets will be shown in Korea.
The Korea-Japan art exhibition will be be on for two months. The National Museum of Korea in Seoul and the National Museum in Tokyo are the designated exhibition sites.

by Nam Yoon-ho

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