New Insurance Product by Oriental Pets Covers Nearly All Possible Incidents

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New Insurance Product by Oriental Pets Covers Nearly All Possible Incidents

Oriental Fire and Marine Insurance Company has developed a new insurance policy called "Protecting Pets" that went on sale as of April 1.

Oriental Fire entered into a strategic alliance with Jack-in-a-box Corporation (, a professional info site for pets, and began to sell not only insurance policies but also provide information services through the Internet on how to raise pets.

When pet owners purchase the new product, they will be protected against any ailment or disability their pet may experience. If their pets are lost or stolen, any advertisement for their recovery will be paid for. Also, if the pet owners become hospitalized the cost of sheltering the pets at a pet center will be covered. If the pets cause harm to others, the owners can claim compensation for any damages their pets may cause.

by Huh Eui-do

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