Number of Korean Bachelors Marrying Phillippino Women Increasing

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Number of Korean Bachelors Marrying Phillippino Women Increasing

Bachelors from Korea's rural regions who marry foreigners have traditionally looked to China's ethnic Korean population. However, according to new statistics, these Korean bachelors are now marrying Philippine women.

The change came about due to the high rate of divorce for Korean men marrying ethnic Koreans from China, and the large number of smugglers who cmarried to acquire visas.

On April 20, according to statistics gathered by the government, the number of Filipinos who entered Korea through an F-1 visa (marriage visa) was 2,294 women and 95 men from the months of January to March. Compared to the same period last year, there was a 266 percent and 400 percent increase for women and men, respectively.

The arranged marriages are sanctioned and organized by international marriage councils based in Seoul.

by Choi Jun-ho

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