Seo Tai-ji Returns to Korea

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Seo Tai-ji Returns to Korea

Seo Tae-ji (Chung Hyun-chul. 27), the most famous Korean pop artist, has finally returned to Korea from the United States after 4 years and 7 months. This is his first public appearance since 1996 when his band broke up.

On August 29 at 6:45 P.M, Seo Tae-ji arrived at Kimpo International Airport, waving to his fans. Seo Tae-ji's fan club members, who wore white T-shirts and yellow handkerchiefs as uniforms, started to gather in the airport starting at 6:30 A.M. By 4 o'clock, there were around 2,000 fans sitting in front of the gate where Seo Tae-ji was to arrive.

It was reported on August 28 that Seo Tae-ji had asked his fans to stay calm while waiting for him in the airport through voicemail.

'We've been waiting for you,' 'Seo Tae-ji has finally come back,' 'God is greeting you also...' were among the many signs greating Seo Tae-ji at the airport. Some fans even brought the Korean national flag.

There were 240 policemen dispatched to the airport to maintain order.

by Lee Eun-ju

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