World Culture Festival 2000

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World Culture Festival 2000

Cultures all over the world celebrate the cycle of life in different manners. Take a peek at some intriguing ceremonies at the first World Culture Festival, Sept. 29-Oct. 3.

The international event, held primarily at the Folk Village in Namsangol, will showcase traditional ceremonies from around the world. Participating countries include China, Korea, Madagascar, Bali, Senegal, New Guinea and Vanuatu. Their traditional weddings, ceremonial rites of passage, folk dances, musical performances, and children's games are sure to be a visual feast.

Two other notable events are the dance lessons offered by a troop from Bali and a traditional Korean burial ritual--Seoul's 10th cultural treasure.

For more off-beat venues check out the Seoul Millennium Time Capsule Square. Attractions include an open coffin-you're welcome to see how comfortably it fits-and an area called "Road to Life and Death."

Korean traditional dancer Lee Ae-joo, the dance group Juntong, Lee Kwang-soo's sulmunori group and a traditional instrument orchestra will kick off the festivities with performances at 7 p.m., on Sat., Sept. 29.

The closing ceremony will be held 8 p.m. Tues., Oct. 3.

For more information, call 02) 2296-5751.

by Park So-young

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