Though Tardy, Nigerian Party Provided a Fun Time

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Though Tardy, Nigerian Party Provided a Fun Time

The Chuseok holidays played havoc not only on Korea's traffic but also on Nigeria's national day. Instead of celebrating the 41st anniversary of the country's independence on its official date, Oct. 1, the embassy threw a big bash on Monday - a week late.

About 700 people turned out for the festivities, including diplomats, expatriates, Koreans with business ties in Nigeria, and 35 students from Taejon International Christian School. Breezy traditional caps and gowns were de rigueur. Even some of the non-Nigerians donned costumes.

The highlight of the evening was the Nigerian Cultural Troupe, which flew in several days earlier for the celebration. The group performed eight dances at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center. With Nigeria's more than 1,000 tribes and dialects, the production was but one small slice of, as one embassy official put it, "the culture and artistic excellence" of the people of Nigeria.

by Joe Yong-hee

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