[SO WHAT ELSE ... ?]It's a strange life we humans live

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[SO WHAT ELSE ... ?]It's a strange life we humans live

My living in Seoul has given birth to many a contradiction:

I drive a very speedy car in very slow traffic. I work as a reporter but never get to go to any events. I'm too tired but won't sleep until I get more work done. The colleague whom I have most fights with, Yong-hee, is after all my best friend. I miss all my old friends but never call them to say hi because I have no time; yet I tell each of my interviewees, "What do you mean? I'm always free." I love my Mom, but when she calls to find out the location of the restaurant I reviewed, I get annoyed.

I desperately want a new job but continue to sign the same contract each year. I complain about too much work but continue to come up with new ideas. Just when I tell myself, "No more shopping," I pick up new fashion magazines and get totally inspired. To save money, I use credit cards; to earn credit, I borrow money. To calm my nervous energy, I drink coffee. In the Land of Morning Calm, I've picked up all kinds of allergies. My dream is to be somewhere else than Korea; but I've said that for more than 10 years.

Please share the contradictions of your life at inescho@joongang.co.kr.

by Inēs Cho

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