&#91LETTERS TO THE EDITOR&#93Let's use our own tongue for products

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&#91LETTERS TO THE EDITOR&#93Let's use our own tongue for products

Recently I went shopping for some winter clothing.

I noticed that each and every one of the clothing brand names and companies were in the Roman alphabet. I do agree that we live in a time when there is a flood of English words and letters, but this is too much. It may be a marketing effort, but there is far too great a proliferation of foreign words.

Our Korean language and alphabet are a significant part of our identity, which is one of a kind in the world. We should be proud of them.

I believe that if merchandisers and marketers would use our proud cultural resources to their fullest extent, it could lead to a whole new trend of pride among Koreans.

I hope the clothing industry starts to develop ways to do this.

by Lee Hyo-eun
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