Flowers, music perk up spring

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Flowers, music perk up spring

It’s time to celebrate the spring, the season of rebirth. If you’ve had enough of the winter’s blues, slip on your sunglasses and step outside.?
Seoul’s highways and streets are lined with golden flowers, and the pink azaleas and cherry trees are beginning to bloom in the bright sunshine that pierces the hazy sky.?
Cherry blossom events are kicking off; starting in the country’s south and rolling all the way to the capital in the coming weeks.
Spring without music is unthinkable in Korea. People love going to classical performances, often staged by touring companies in the balmy weather.
Celebrated Chinese director Zhang Yimou will stage Puccini’s epic “Turnadot” as an opera, shadow play, modern dance and drama. The Swedish Cullberg Ballet presents a contemporary version of “Swan Lake” with an all-male company. And the 1970s hit movie “Saturday Night Fever” is remade as a musical with a Korean cast.
Blossoms, music and gentle breezes; enjoy them while you can.

by Ines Cho
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