Take some time to see the flowers

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Take some time to see the flowers

April showers, they say, bring May flowers.
Two major flower festivals near the capital are worthy to be checked out. Anmyeondo Flower Festival on the west coast provides a Yellow Sea backdrop for visitors, and Gohyang Flower Festival in Seoul’s satellite city of Ilsan will display roses from around the world.
If you find the Busan film festival too big and commercial, Jeonju International Film Festival is the one for you. Tonight the program will open with a compilation of six short films on human-rights issues, directed by Korea’s leading filmmakers.
While interviewing Dho Young-shim, the outgoing chairman of the 2002 Visit Korea Project Team, I saw her take two phones simultaneously, speak loudly or softly with several VIPs, assign endless tasks to her two secretaries and set up a dozen meetings for the coming days ― all in one sitting. She even took care of the dress code of a private film screening: “Minister Lee Chang-dong, please don’t wear a tie; I told other guests you wouldn’t be wearing one.”

by Ines Cho
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