[LETTERS TO THE EDITOR]A little defense math

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[LETTERS TO THE EDITOR]A little defense math

The editorial “Shouldering a greater burden,” May 21, quotes a total of $46.6 billion through 2010 as necessary to upgrade the Korean forces. This figure should be stated differently, in order to put it into the perspective of a daily cost to the citizens of Korea.
It amounts to 525 won, or 48 cents, per Korean per day.
Korea is the world’s 12th largest economy. It runs a $13 billion trade surplus with the United States. I’m disappointed at the hand-wringing in this editorial.
One might get the impression that Korea is reluctant to pay for its own defense. This is not an unreasonable posture to assume, as long as Korea can get someone else to continue paying for it.

by Michael Sheehan
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