Park pitches into married life with bride from Japan

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Park pitches into married life with bride from Japan


HAWAII ― South Korea’s first major leaguer, Park Chan-ho, 32, who currently pitches for the San Diego Padres, set another milestone, this time off the field, with his marriage in Hawaii on Tuesday. Park’s bride, Park Ri-hye, 29, is a third-generation Korean born in Japan and the daughter of a well-off real estate magnate.
For Park, the wedding was certainly something special. “To win my wife is a victory that cannot be compared to any victory clinched in the major leagues. I will always care about her and respect her,” he said.
In regards to the upcoming season, the pitcher pointed out that he viewed it as his most important season to play. “I am well aware that there are great expectations for next season. My expectations are the same. My wife will give me great strength,” said Park.
He added that in preparations for the World Baseball Classic in March, he had already started working out, from last month.
The wedding was a closed one with only immediate relatives and a close circle of friends, including members of Park’s management agency, invited. In all, about 30 guests were present at the wedding.
The couple is expected to arrive in Seoul soon after their honeymoon and will hold a banquet on Dec. 11 for friends and other relatives.
Among the guests present was Peter O’ Malley, former owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers, who brought Park to his team and opened the way for him to pitch in the major leagues. “When Park first came here nobody expected him to become a pitcher piling up 100 wins in the major leagues,” said Mr.Malley. “But he has just done that. Now, he is trying to pass down a major league dream to other juniors.”
This season, Park bounced back from three injury-riddled seasons with the Texas Rangers, his former team. Changing uniforms to the San Diego Padres, he posted a 12-8 record but with a high ERA of 5.74.
Experts have said that Park’s place in the pitching rotation is still not yet secure and a solid spring training and good start in the early season would determine Park’s future role.
His total record to date is 106-80 with a carried ERA of 4.33. Park made his major league debut on April 8, 1994 against the Atlanta Braves.

by Lee Tai-il
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