Abe rejects calls to resign in the aftermath of election defeat

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Abe rejects calls to resign in the aftermath of election defeat


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe walks out of his press conference on July 30, one day after his Liberal Democratic Party lost big in the Upper House elections in Tokyo. Abe rejected calls to resign, saying it would create a power vacuum, but said he would revamp his Cabinet after the humiliating election defeat that signaled a broad voter revolt against his government. [AP]

참의원 선거에서 자민당이 참패한 지 하루가 지난 7월30일 도쿄에서 아베 신조 일본 총리가 기자회견을 마치고 걸어나가고 있다. 아베정부를 반대하는 유권자층이 확산됐음을 알려주는 참의원 선거 참패 이후 아베 총리는 내각을 대폭 개편하겠다고 밝히면서 권력 공백을 초래할 야당의 사퇴요구를 일축했다. [AP]
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