Published: 10 Mar. 2008, 20:25
한동안 네로의 방화설이 정설처럼 알려졌으나 요즘은 현실에 불만을 품은 종말론자의 방화나 실화 쪽이 신빙성을 얻고 있다. 역사가인 타키투스(56~120)는 화재가 난 지 몇 년 지나지 않아 쓴 책에서 화재 당시 네로는 현장에서 80㎞ 떨어진 안티움에 있는 별장에 머물고 있었다고 기록했다. 불타는 광경을 신나게 바라보며 노래를 읊기는커녕 로마로 급히 달려가서 불길을 잡으려고 필사적으로 애썼다고 한다.
내가 한 영작
For a long period, Nero was believed to ⓐhave burnt Rome. But these days the argument that ⓑthose who had grudges ⓒabout the empire’s state of affairs and believed in doomsday set the fire ⓓby accident or on purpose gains more credibility. The Historian Tacitus wrote years later in the book “The Great Fire of Rome” that Nero was at his villa in Antium, 80 kilometers from ⓔthe site of the fire, when the blaze took place. According to the book, Nero rushed to Rome and did his best to ⓕput out the fire and aid the victims.
ⓐ have burnt have burned 보통 미국에서는 burned, 영국에서는 burnt 사용
ⓑ those people 앞에 언급된 적이 없었으므로 people로 수정
ⓒ about with ‘grudge’라는 감정을 갖게 만든 대상이나 상황을 추가적으로 설명하고 있으므로 전치사 with으로 수정. 참고로 about은 일반적인 사항에 대해 설명할 때 ‘~관하여’라는 의미로 사용되며, 기본적으로는 ‘~주위’라는 의미를 지니고 있음.
ⓓ by either by 실수거나 고의 ‘둘 중에 하나에 의해서’라는 의미이므로 either 추가
ⓔ the site of the fire the city 문맥 상 ‘화재가 발생한 도시에서’로 표현하는 것이 자연스러움
ⓕ put out the fire put it out ‘the fire’는 이미 알고 있는 정보이므로 it으로 수정. 이미 알려진정보는 앞에 위치하고 새로운 정보는 뒤에 오는 경향이 있어 구동사(phrase verb)의 목적어가 대명사일 경우에는 대명사가 먼저 오고 그 뒤에 out 같은 말이 위치한다
After proofreading
For a long period, Nero was believed to have burned Rome. But these days, the argument that people who had grudges with the empire’s state of affairs and believed in doomsday set the fire, either by accident or on purpose, gains more credibility. The historian Tacitus wrote years later in the book “The Great Fire of Rome” that Nero was at his villa in Antium, 80 kilometers from the city, when the blaze took place. According to the book, Nero rushed to Rome and did his best to put it out and aid the victims.
이제 한국에서 가장 유명한 방화범이 탄생할 조짐이다. 국보 1호 숭례문을 불태운 채종기씨다. 재건축에 따른 토지 보상금을 적게 받은 데 불만을 품고 불을 질렀다고 한다. 안타까운 국보 손실이고 안타까운 심리상태다. 얻은 것은 없이 악명만 세세연년 전해지게 됐다.
내가 한 영작
Korea is about to see its most notorious arsonist in history, a man named Chae, 69, who allegedl set fire ⓐon Sungnyemun, National Treasure No. 1. ⓑIt is known he committed ⓒcrime because he was unsatisfied with the compensation money he ⓓhad received for his land on which new apartment buildings are to be built. It is truly tragic that the national treasure is gone, and ⓔit is also tragic that he is in such a deranged state of mind. Nothing has been gained, except notoriety that will probably be remembered for a long time to come.
ⓐ on Sungnyemun to Sungnyemun 전치사 on은 ‘접촉’의 의미가 있으므로 종이, 나무, 벽, 문, 바닥 등 실제 불이 붙은 소재나 특정 위치가 따라와야 함. 숭례문은 특정 소재나 위치가 아니라 건물을 나타내고 있으므로 전치사 to 사용
ⓑ It is known Reportedly
ⓒ crime the crime 그냥 범죄가 아니라 앞서 언급된 방화를 나타내고 있으므로 the 삽입
ⓓ had received received 단순히 과거의 사실을 서술하고 있으므로 과거시제로 수정
ⓔ it is also tragic also 앞에 동일한 형식으로 반복된 문구이므로 also만 남기고 간략하게 생략
After proofreading
Korea is about to see its most notorious arsonist in history, a man named Chae, 69, who allegedly set fire to Sungnyemun, National Treasure No. 1. Reportedly he committed the crime because he was unsatisfied with the compensation money he received for his land on which new apartment buildings are to be built. It is truly tragic that the national treasure is gone, and also that he is in such a deranged state of mind.
Nothing has been gained except notoriety that will probably be remembered for a long time to come.
내가 한 영작
For a long period, Nero was believed to ⓐhave burnt Rome. But these days the argument that ⓑthose who had grudges ⓒabout the empire’s state of affairs and believed in doomsday set the fire ⓓby accident or on purpose gains more credibility. The Historian Tacitus wrote years later in the book “The Great Fire of Rome” that Nero was at his villa in Antium, 80 kilometers from ⓔthe site of the fire, when the blaze took place. According to the book, Nero rushed to Rome and did his best to ⓕput out the fire and aid the victims.
ⓐ have burnt have burned 보통 미국에서는 burned, 영국에서는 burnt 사용
ⓑ those people 앞에 언급된 적이 없었으므로 people로 수정
ⓒ about with ‘grudge’라는 감정을 갖게 만든 대상이나 상황을 추가적으로 설명하고 있으므로 전치사 with으로 수정. 참고로 about은 일반적인 사항에 대해 설명할 때 ‘~관하여’라는 의미로 사용되며, 기본적으로는 ‘~주위’라는 의미를 지니고 있음.
ⓓ by either by 실수거나 고의 ‘둘 중에 하나에 의해서’라는 의미이므로 either 추가
ⓔ the site of the fire the city 문맥 상 ‘화재가 발생한 도시에서’로 표현하는 것이 자연스러움
ⓕ put out the fire put it out ‘the fire’는 이미 알고 있는 정보이므로 it으로 수정. 이미 알려진정보는 앞에 위치하고 새로운 정보는 뒤에 오는 경향이 있어 구동사(phrase verb)의 목적어가 대명사일 경우에는 대명사가 먼저 오고 그 뒤에 out 같은 말이 위치한다
After proofreading
For a long period, Nero was believed to have burned Rome. But these days, the argument that people who had grudges with the empire’s state of affairs and believed in doomsday set the fire, either by accident or on purpose, gains more credibility. The historian Tacitus wrote years later in the book “The Great Fire of Rome” that Nero was at his villa in Antium, 80 kilometers from the city, when the blaze took place. According to the book, Nero rushed to Rome and did his best to put it out and aid the victims.
이제 한국에서 가장 유명한 방화범이 탄생할 조짐이다. 국보 1호 숭례문을 불태운 채종기씨다. 재건축에 따른 토지 보상금을 적게 받은 데 불만을 품고 불을 질렀다고 한다. 안타까운 국보 손실이고 안타까운 심리상태다. 얻은 것은 없이 악명만 세세연년 전해지게 됐다.
내가 한 영작
Korea is about to see its most notorious arsonist in history, a man named Chae, 69, who allegedl set fire ⓐon Sungnyemun, National Treasure No. 1. ⓑIt is known he committed ⓒcrime because he was unsatisfied with the compensation money he ⓓhad received for his land on which new apartment buildings are to be built. It is truly tragic that the national treasure is gone, and ⓔit is also tragic that he is in such a deranged state of mind. Nothing has been gained, except notoriety that will probably be remembered for a long time to come.
ⓐ on Sungnyemun to Sungnyemun 전치사 on은 ‘접촉’의 의미가 있으므로 종이, 나무, 벽, 문, 바닥 등 실제 불이 붙은 소재나 특정 위치가 따라와야 함. 숭례문은 특정 소재나 위치가 아니라 건물을 나타내고 있으므로 전치사 to 사용
ⓑ It is known Reportedly
ⓒ crime the crime 그냥 범죄가 아니라 앞서 언급된 방화를 나타내고 있으므로 the 삽입
ⓓ had received received 단순히 과거의 사실을 서술하고 있으므로 과거시제로 수정
ⓔ it is also tragic also 앞에 동일한 형식으로 반복된 문구이므로 also만 남기고 간략하게 생략
After proofreading
Korea is about to see its most notorious arsonist in history, a man named Chae, 69, who allegedly set fire to Sungnyemun, National Treasure No. 1. Reportedly he committed the crime because he was unsatisfied with the compensation money he received for his land on which new apartment buildings are to be built. It is truly tragic that the national treasure is gone, and also that he is in such a deranged state of mind.
Nothing has been gained except notoriety that will probably be remembered for a long time to come.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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