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시계 초침이 자정을 향해 다가갔다. “평택에서 예수님이 꽃마차를 타고 재림했다”는 웅성거림이 들렸다. 하얀 옷을 입은 신도들이 일어나 환호성을 질렀다. 예민해진 신경은 작은 움직임에도 반응했다. 생방송 중인 TV카메라 조명을 따라 나방이 날아오르자 “온갖 만물이 휴거(携擧•들림)를 시작했다”는 고함이 터졌다. 하지만 자정이 지나도 아마겟돈은 없었다. 누구도 하늘로 날아 올라가지 않았다. 1992년 10월 28일, 쇼로 끝난 다미선교회의 휴거 소동이다.

내가 한 영작
The second hand ⓐof the watch swept toward midnight. Someone shouted, "Christ ⓑis reincarnated in a carriage full of flowers in Pyeongtaek." ⓒCrowds, all in white, shouted in joy. Their nerves ⓓwere as sharp as a needle, they were alert to even the smallest movements. As a moth ⓔflew up around the TV camera lights, people began to whisper to each other, saying, "All of the things under the sun will be ⓕlifted to the sky." The scene ⓖwas aired nonstop on TV. After midnight, we found there had been no Armageddon, no terrible battle that would lead to the total destruction of the world. No one was lifted into the air. The wait for rapture predicted by a Korean church ended with nothing happening on Oct. 28, 1992.

ⓐ of  on 초침이 시계와 맞닿아 있는 것이므로 접촉의 의미가 있는 전치사 on으로 수정
ⓑ is reincarnated  has been reincarnated 말하고 있는 시점 이전에 예수님이 부활하셔서 발화시점까지도 계속 부활되어 있는 상태를 나타내고 있으므로 현재완료형으로 수정
ⓒ Crowds  The crowd 특정 집단을 지칭하여 나타내고 있으므로 the 삽입
ⓓ were as sharp as a needle  taut 간략한 표현으로 수정
ⓔ flew up around  flew into 조명 불빛 ‘안’으로 나방이 날아들어갔다는 의미이므로 전치사 into로 수정
ⓕ lifted to  lifted up to 하늘 ‘위’로 올라간다는 의미이므로 전치사 up추가
ⓖ was aired  aired ‘air’ 자체가 방영되었다는 자동사이므로 수동태로 쓰이지 않음

After proofreading
The second hand on the watch swept toward midnight. Someone shouted, “Christ has been reincarnated in a carriage full of flowers in Pyeongtaek!”
The crowd, all in white, shouted in joy. Their nerves taut, they were alert to even the smallest movements. When a moth flew into the TV camera lights, people began to whisper to each other, saying, “All of the things under the sun will be lifted up to the sky.”
The scene aired nonstop on TV. After midnight, we found there had been no Armageddon, no terrible battle that would lead to the total destruction of the world. No one was lifted into the air. The wait for rapture predicted by a Korean church ended with nothing happening on Oct. 28, 1992.

한동안 잠잠했던 종말론이 다시 고개를 들고 있다. 이번에는 2012년이다. 유카탄 반도에서 출토된 마야 달력이 그 무렵 지구 종말을 암시하고 있다는 것이다. 지구 자기장이 역전돼 생태계 혼란이 온다거나, 지구-태양-은하계가 나란히 배열된다는 주장도 나온다. 혜성과의 충돌이나 노스트라다무스 예언도 빠지지 않는다. 그의 기록을 재해석해 보니 지구 멸망이 1999년이 아니라 2012년으로 예언했다는 것이다.

내가 한 영작
Eschatology, or religious teaching about the end of the world, is back in the spotlight. People say Armageddon ⓐis scheduled to happen in 2012. ⓑMayan calendar and Nostradamus' predictions ⓒwere entangled in eschatology. Some people suggest that ⓓMayan calendar, noted for its precise predictions of planetary movements, gives us a hint the Earth will come to an end in 2012. They cite scientific suggestions that the magnetic field of the Earth might be reversed in the same period. Nostradamus is a frequent presence in these teachings. ⓔThe recent re-interpretation of his predictions, discovered in the Roman national library, showed the Earth will be on the road to collapse not in 1999, but 2012.
ⓐ is scheduled to happen  will happen 영어에 자연스러운 표현으로 수정
ⓑⓓ Mayan calendar  The Mayan calendar 일반 달력을 이야기하는 것이 아니라, 고대에 사용되었던 특정 역법 중에 하나인 마야력을 이야기 하고 있으므로 the 추가
ⓒ were  are 일반적인 현상을 설명하고 있는 것이므로 현재시제로 수정
ⓔ The  A 대부분의 사람들이 알고 있는 특정 재해석이 아니라, 단순히 재해석한 하나의 기록을 이야기하고 있으므로 the 삭제

After proofreading
Eschatology, or religious teaching about the end of the world, is back in the spotlight. People say Armageddon will happen in 2012. The Mayan calendar and Nostradamus’ predictions are entangled in eschatology. Some people suggest the Mayan calendar, noted for its precise predictions of planetary movements, gives us a hint the Earth will come to an end in 2012. They cite scientific suggestions that the magnetic fields of the Earth might be reversed in the same period. Nostradamus is a frequent presence in these teachings. A recent re-interpretation of his predictions, discovered in the Roman national library, showed the Earth will be on the road to collapse not in 1999, but 2012.
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