Published: 08 Jan. 2009, 18:54
처칠은 전쟁이 터지자 최대 정적인 애틀리를 부총리 겸 내무장관으로 끌어들였다. 회의에서 두 사람의 의견이 일치하면 곧바로 최고 작전명령이 됐다. 독일의 독재자 아돌프 히틀러보다 더 빠르고 효율적이었다. 야당이 반발하면 애틀리가 의사당으로 달려가 소속 의원들을 진정시켰다. 처칠은 회의 때마다 통계부 직원을 불러 생생한 전황도 공개했다. 영국군의 연전연패 소식은 오히려 영국인을 단결시켰다. 처칠과 애틀리는 손을 맞잡고 민심을 얻는 데 성공했다.
내가 한 영작
ⓐAs the war broke out, Churchill employed ⓑhis biggest political enemy Attlee as ⓒvice prime minister and home secretary. When they reached an agreement in a meeting, the agreement immediately became an operational order. This was more efficient than Hitler’s system. If the opposition party resisted, Attlee ran to Parliament to calm ⓓopposition members. Whenever there was a meeting, Churchill called in a worker ⓔof the statistics department who showed the reality of the situation. The news of Britain losing battles helped ⓕBritish people unite. Churchill and Attlee succeeded in winning the people’s hearts.
JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
When the war broke out, Churchill employed Attlee, his biggest political rival, as deputy prime minister and home secretary. When they reached an agreement in a meeting, the agreement immediately became an operational order. This was more efficient than Hitler’s system. If the opposition party resisted, Attlee ran to Parliament to calm the opposition. Whenever there was a meeting, Churchill called in a worker from the statistics department who showed the reality of the situation. The news of Britain losing battles helped them unite. Churchill and Attlee succeeded in winning the people’s hearts.
Writing Tip
ⓐ As → When 시기적인 상황을 이야기하고 있으므로 when으로 수정
ⓑ his biggest political enemy Attlee → Attlee, his biggest political rival 보통 이름을 먼저 쓰고, 그 사람에 대한 설명을 해줌
ⓒ vice prime minister → deputy prime minister 부총리를 나타내는 정확한 명칭으로 수정
ⓓ opposition members → the opposition 정관사 the로 수정하여 반대당, 즉 야당을 지칭함
ⓔ of → from 통계청 ‘출신’을 나타내는 전치사 from으로 수정
ⓕ British people → them 앞에 이미 언급되었으므로 them으로 수정
대통령 혼자 바쁘지 실무를 장악하는 한국판 맥나마라는 안 보인다. 어제 청와대를 다녀온 한나라당 대표는 “지금 문제는 속도다. 질풍노도처럼 몰아붙이고(…) 온 국토가 거대한 공사장처럼 느껴져야 한다”고 했다. 틀린 말은 아니지만 듣기 좀 거북하다. 이런 메시지가 자꾸 흘러나오면 곤란하다. 지금은 민심 결집이 전쟁의 분수령이다. 처칠처럼 워룸의 대통령 옆자리에 맨 먼저 초청할 인물은 정세균 민주당 대표나 박근혜 한나라당 전 대표가 아닐까.
내가 한 영작
In Korea, the president alone controls all affairs, no matter how busy he is. The chairman of the Grand National Party visited the presidential office recently and said, “Speed is of the utmost ⓐimportant now.” His remark is not necessarily wrong but ⓑit nonetheless makes people uncomfortable. What’s most important is consensus. ⓒJust as Churcill did, President Lee should invite his rivals, Democratic Party Chairman Chung Sye-kyun or former GNP Chairwoman Park Geun-hye, to sit next to ⓓthe president.
JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
In Korea, the president alone controls all affairs, no matter how busy he is. The chairman of the Grand National Party visited the presidential office recently and said, “Speed is of the utmost importance now.” His remark is not necessarily wrong but nonetheless it makes people uncomfortable. What’s most important is consensus. Like Churchill, President Lee should invite his rivals, Democratic Party Chairman Chung Sye-kyun or former GNP Chairwoman Park Geun-hye, to sit next to him.
Writing Tip
ⓐ important → importance 문장에서 형용사의 기능을 하는 “of + 명사”의 구문이므로 명사 importance로 수정
ⓑ it nonetheless → nonetheless it 영어에 자연스러운 어순으로 수정
ⓒ Just as Churcill did → Like Churchill 간략한 표현으로 수정
ⓓ the president → him 앞에 이미 언급되었으므로 him으로 수정
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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