Kim Dae-jung gets a visit from a former archenemy

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Kim Dae-jung gets a visit from a former archenemy


Lee Hee-ho, left, the wife of former President Kim Dae-jung, sees off former President Chun Doo Hwan, right, who made a visit to Severance Hospital yesterday to pay a tribute to the ailing former president. [Joint Press Corps]

Ailing former President Kim Dae-jung received a message of goodwill yesterday from the man who sentenced him to death nearly three decades ago.

Former President Chun Doo Hwan, who served in office from 1980 to 1988, told Kim’s wife, Lee Hee-ho, during his visit to Yonsei University’s Severance Hospital in Seoul that he appreciated Kim’s efforts to reach out to his predecessors. “Former presidents were happiest when President Kim Dae-jung was in office,” said Chun. Kim was president from 1998 to 2003.

“During his tenure, I was invited [to the Blue House] on about 10 occasions, and was able to stay on top of current affairs. After his overseas trips, President Kim invited former first couples and briefed us on his work. He also treated us to lavish dinners.”

Chun and Kim weren’t always so cordial. Chun sentenced Kim to death in 1980 for his alleged role in engineering the democratic movement in Gwangju in May of that year. Kim was released in 1982 amid international calls for clemency.

In 1996, Chun was also sentenced to death for his role in the 1979 coup d’etat, for the massacres in Gwangju in May 1980 and for receiving bribes in office. But Kim Dae-jung pleaded with Kim Young-sam, who was president at the time, for a special pardon, and Chun was released from jail in December 1997, soon after Kim Dae-jung was elected president.

The two former presidents have since been on positive terms. Chun praised Kim’s leadership as Korea battled the Asian currency crisis in the late 1990s, and advocated Kim’s engagement policy on North Korea, also known as the Sunshine Policy.

Kim Young-sam visited Kim Dae-jung Monday and hinted that the two had finally reconciled after nearly 20 years of political animosity.

After his 15-minute meeting with Lee Hee-ho, Chun evaded reporters camped in the left wing of the hospital building and exited through the central doors. He did not answer any questions as he entered the hospital.

Meanwhile, Kim Dae-jung remained in stable condition yesterday. He has been hospitalized since July 13 with pneumonia. The 83-year-old is in the intensive care unit following several life-threatening complications.

By Yoo Jee-ho []

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