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9세기 초 영국군 장교들은 사병들보다 키가 족히 머리 하나씩 컸다. 유전자 때문이 아니다. 그저 어릴 때부터 제대로 먹고 자랄 수 있는 계층에 속했던 덕분이다. 왕립사관학교에 입학하는 14세 무렵 이미 상류층 소년의 평균 신장은 해군에 입대하는 같은 연령대의 노동자 계층 소년보다 30㎝나 컸다고 한다. 자기보다 열등한 이를 ‘낮춰 본다(look down on)’는 영어 표현이 여기서 비롯됐단 설이 있다.200여 년이 흐른 지금 우리나라도 비슷한 문제를 안고 있다. 변변히 못 먹고 자란 탈북 남자 청소년들의 평균 신장이 남한의 또래보다 13.5㎝가량 작다는 검진 결과가 지난달 나왔다. 크고 작은 질병에 시달리는 등 건강도 좋지 않은 걸로 나타났다.

내가 한 영작
In the 19th century, officers of the British Army were a good head taller than ⓐ soldiers. The height difference was not genetic; the officers happened to come from wealthy families that could afford to feed their children properly from infancy. It is said that when these privileged youths entered the Royal Academy at age 14, they were a foot taller than their working-class peers. The English expression “ⓑ look down on” is known to have come from this reality. Two hundred years later, Korea confronts a similar problem. A medical study released last month found that young male North Korean defectors ⓒis 13.5 centimeters (5.3 inches) shorter than South Korean youths of their age. It also found that they ⓓare in poorer health than their South Korean neighbors.

JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
In the 19th century, officers of the British Army were a good head taller than their soldiers. The height difference was not genetic; the officers happened to come from wealthy families that could afford to feed their children properly from infancy. It is said that when these privileged youths entered the Royal Academy at age 14, they were a foot taller than their working-class peers. The English expression “to look down on” is known to have come from this reality. Two hundred years later, Korea confronts a similar problem. A medical study released last month found that young male North Korean defectors are 13.5 centimeters (5.3 inches) shorter than South Korean youths of their age. It also found that they were in poorer health than their South Korean neighbors.

Writing Tip
ⓐ 없음 → their 그냥 군인과 영국군 장교를 비교하는 것이 아니라 장교들의 군인들과 영국군 장교를 비교하는 것이므로 their을 써서 의미를 명확히 함.
ⓑ 없음 → to to를 써서 ‘look down on 하는 것’이 되게함.
ⓒ is → are 탈북 남자 청소년들 이므로 복수를 씀. 여기서 주절의 과거시제가 아닌 현재시제를 쓴 것은 탈북 남자 청소년들이 남한의 남자 청소년들보다 작다는 사실을 나타낸 것이기 때문.
ⓓ are → were 그 당시 건강이 좋지 않았다는 것을 말하므로 과거를 써줌.

따라서 급식의 질을 높이는 거야말로 빈곤층에 도움이 되는 정책이다. 유럽연합(EU) 국가들이 9000만 유로를 투입해 지난해 하반기부터 학교에서 신선한 과일과 야채를 공짜로 나눠주기 시작한 이유다. 고소득층이야 집에서도 얼마든 먹일 수 있지만 저소득층 자녀는 일일 최소 권장량(400g)조차 채우기 힘들어서다. 이들 국가의 무상급식 비율은 30%대다. 하지만 이를 높이기보단 예산이 생기면 과일·야채 지급량을 늘린다는 게 그네들 계획이다.

내가 한 영작
Therefore, improving the quality of school meals ⓐwill be a policy helpful to the poor. Rich families can afford to feed their children as much fresh ⓑfruits and vegetables as they need, but it is difficult for the poor to feed their children even the recommended daily allowance of 400 grams. European Union countries provide free school lunches to about 30 percent of students. If they have extra money in their budgets, they choose to increase the ⓒamounts of fruit and vegetables in the lunches rather than the number of children who get to eat for free. National Assembly members are currently arguing over how many more students should be able to receive free school lunches. But if there is a ⓓmore budget for school lunches available, we should spend the extra money on healthier lunches or on feeding poor children during school vacations instead.

JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
Therefore, improving the quality of school meals would be a policy helpful to the poor. Rich families can afford to feed their children as much fresh fruit and vegetables as they need, but it is difficult for the poor to feed their children even the recommended daily allowance of 400 grams. European Union countries provide free school lunches to about 30 percent of students. If they have extra money in their budgets, they choose to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in the lunches rather than the number of children who get to eat for free. National Assembly members are currently arguing over how many more students should be able to receive free school lunches. But if there is a larger budget for school lunches available, we should spend the extra money on healthier lunches or on feeding poor children during school vacations instead.

Writing Tip
ⓐ will → would 정해진 사실이 아니라 제안이므로 가정을 나타내는 과거시제로 표현.
ⓑ fruits → fruit fruit는 대체로 복수형으로는 잘 쓰지 않음.
ⓒ amounts → amount the amount of는 ‘~의 양’이라는 뜻으로 뒤에는 불가산 명사가 오고, 이때 amount를 복수형으로 쓰지 않음에 유의.
ⓓ more → larger budget이 많음을 나타낼 때는 big, generous, huge, large 등의 형용사를 씀.
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