Published: 31 May. 2010, 19:43
내가 한 영작
On Nov. 19, 1702, the Jeju prefecture threw a party for ⓐ the aged. Besides 183 octogenarians and 23 nonagenarian men and women, three centenarians were present. This is a passage found in a book on the people and geography of Jeju island written by ⓑ the then-governor of Jeju prefecture, Lee Hyeong-sang, in 1704. ⓒ And it is the first official record ⓓ on centenarians of the island written in a systematic way.
JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
On Nov. 19, 1702, the citizens of Jeju Island threw a party for the elderly among them. There were 183 people in their 80s, 23 in their 90s and three that had reached the 100-year-old milestone.
This is a passage found in a book on the people and geography of Jeju Island written by its governor, Lee Hyeong-sang, in 1704. It is also the first official record on the island’s centenarians that was written in a systematic way.
Writing Tip
ⓐ the aged → the elderly among them 영어에 자연스러운 표현으로 수정.
ⓑ the then → its 문맥상 당연히 그 당시의 목사(governor)인지 알 수 있으므로 ‘그 당시’라는 의미의 ‘the then’은 생략하고 관사에 해당하는 its만 첨가.
ⓒ And → also 공식적인 글에서는 and를 문장을 이어주는 접속사로만 사용해야 하므로 부사인 also로 바꿈.
ⓓ on centenarians of the island → on the island’s centenarians that was 과거분사인‘written’만으로는 비교적 멀리 있는 record를 수식하는 것으로 보기가 쉽지 않음. ‘that was’로 시작하는 관계대명사절을 씀. 그 안의 ‘was’가 복수인 centenarians가 아닌 단수 record와 연관 맺는 것을 보여줌. ‘of the island’를 같은 의미인 ‘the island’s’로 바꿈으로써 수식어 부분을 간결하게 만듬.
100세란 나이가 과거 인류에게 ‘인간 삶의 한계’의 상징으로 비유된 건 동서(東西)가 다르지 않다. 구약성서는 ‘영원한 생명’을 빗대는 말로 ‘백세’를 거론한다. 이사야서의 ‘백세에 죽는 자가 아이겠고, 백세가 못 되어 죽는 자는 저주받은 것이리라’는 구절에 보인다. 명심보감(明心寶鑑)에도 백세가 언급된다. ‘인무백세인 왕작천년계(人無百歲人 枉作千年計)’란 대목이다. ‘백세를 사는 사람이 없건만 사람들이 헛되이 천년 계획을 세운다’는 뜻으로 사람이 100년을 살지 못함을 전제로 지은 말이다.
내가 한 영작
ⓐ There is no difference between the East and the West in that they used centenarian age as an expression that symbolized “the limit of human life” ⓑ in the past. In the Book of Isaiah, there is a passage that the one who dies at centenarian age will be a child and those who die before ⓒ centenarian age are doomed. “Myeongsim Bogam,” a book written ⓓ for moral training of children in the 14th century, says, “Although there is no one who can live over a hundred years of age, people draw up a millenary plan in vain.” It implies that human cannot liver over a hundred years.
JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
As a matter of fact, there is no difference between the East and the West in that both East and West once used 100 years of age to symbolize “the limit of human life.”
In the Book of Isaiah, there is a passage that says that those who die after reaching 100 will be children and those who die before then are doomed. And the “Myeongsim Bogam,” a book written to teach ethics to children in the 14th-century Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), says: “Although there is no one who can live over 100 years of age, there are still people who draw up millenary plans,” implying that humans cannot live more than 100 years.
Writing Tip
ⓐ 없음 → As a matter of fact 흐름을 자연스럽게 만들어 주기 위해 첨가.
ⓑ in the past → 삭제 한글 원문에 있는 표현이나 번역 후 교정 시 불필요한 군더더기이므로 삭제됨.
ⓒ centenarian age → then 영어는 같은 표현을 피하는 경향이 강함. 위에 쓰인 표현이라 대명사로 바꿈.
ⓓ for moral training of → to teach ethics to for + ~ing는 영구적인 느낌을 주고 to ~는 한시적, 시도, 의도, 노력의 느낌을 갖음. 14세기에 어떠한 의도를 갖고 쓰여진 것이므로 to 부정사가 적절함.
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