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‘안락의자 탐정(armchair detective)’은 범죄현장에 가지 않고도 사건을 해결하는 탐정이다. 다른 사람에게서 얘기를 듣거나 신문 기사를 읽고 추리한다. 1893년 아서 코난 도일이 발표한 『그리스인 통역』을 통해 알려진 말이라고 한다. 여기서 명탐정 셜록 홈스는 자신보다 더 뛰어난 형 마이크로프트를 가리켜 “만약 탐정이 의자에 앉아서만 추리해도 된다면 우리 형은 역사상 가장 위대한 탐정이 됐을 것”이라고 말한다. 추리소설의 여왕 애거사 크리스티가 창조한 탐정 에르큘 포와로도 안락의자과(科)다. 현장에 가더라도 머리카락을 줍고 혈흔을 채취하지 않는다. 관련자들의 증언을 찬찬히 들은 후 ‘회색 뇌세포’를 움직여 멋진 논증을 완성한다.

내가 한 영작
‘Armchair detectives’ do not need to go to the crime scene to solve the mystery. ⓐHe or she ⓑarrives at a logical conclusion based on other people’s stories or newspaper articles. In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s 1893 classic ⓒ“The Greek Interpreter,” Sherlock Holmes ⓓspeaks of his brother: “If the art of detection began and ended in reasoning from an armchair, my brother would be the greatest criminal agent that ever lived.” The legendary Hercule Poirot, created by Dame Agatha Christie also belongs to ⓔthe race of armchair detectives. Even when visiting the crime scene, he does not stoop to pick up a stray hair or collect blood samples. He merely listens to the people involved and uses his ‘little grey cells’ to reach a fabulous and logical conclusion.

JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
Armchair detectives do not need to go to the crime scene to solve the mystery. They arrive at a logical conclusion based on other people’s stories or newspaper articles. In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s 1893 classic “The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter,” Sherlock Holmes says of his brother: “If the art of detection began and ended in reasoning from an armchair, my brother would be the greatest criminal agent that ever lived.” The legendary Hercule Poirot, created by Dame Agatha Christie, also belongs to this class of armchair detectives. Even when visiting the crime scene, he does not stoop to pick up a stray hair or collect blood samples. He merely listens to the people involved and uses his “little gray cells” to reach a fabulous and logical conclusion.

Writing Tip
ⓐ He or she → They ‘armchair detectives’를 받으므로 복수형인 They를 써야 함.
ⓑ arrives → arrive 앞에서 주어가 복수인 they로 바뀌었으므로 동사형도 그에 맞게 수정
ⓒ “The Greek Interpreter,” → “The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter” 정확한 원제목으로 수정.
ⓓ speaks → says ‘speak’는 입으로 말하는 느낌이 강함, ‘say’는 실제로 말하는 것 외에도 ‘이야기하다’의 의미로도 사용.
ⓔ the race → this class ‘race’는 특히 ‘인종’의 의미가 강함, ‘부류’라는 뜻으로 ‘class’가 적절.

물증은 거짓말과 일방적 주장이 난무하는 혼란의 와중에서 우리를 지켜줄 수 있다. 천안함 사건 조사 결과가 발표됐는데도 좌초·충돌설이나 심지어 조작설도 나온다. 그것도 ‘안락의자’의 산물이 아니라 직접 가서 조사한 사람의 말이라니 더 황당하다. 증거가 거짓말을 한다는 얘긴데, 그렇다면 대체 우리는 무엇을 믿어야 할까.

내가 한 영작
Evidence will keep us ⓐsave from the chaos of lies and lopsided statements. Even ⓑwith the results of the Cheonan investigation ⓒ announced, ⓓsome are still spreading rumors that it was an accident or even a fabrication. These allegations are all the more ⓔludicrous coming not from an armchair detective but someone who’d actually been to the scene. That is saying that the evidence lies but if so, whatever are we to trust?

JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
Evidence will keep us safe from the chaos of lies and lopsided statements. Even though the results of the Cheonan investigation have been announced, there are some people still spreading rumors that it was an accident or even a fabrication. These allegations are all the more ludicrous because they do not come from armchair detectives but from people who have actually been to the scene. If what they allege is true, then it means that the evidence lies, but if so, whatever are we to trust?

Writing Tip
ⓐ save → safe 목적어 us 다음에 보어는 동사가 아닌 형용사가 와야 함.
ⓑ with → though even though가 맞는 표현.
ⓒ 삽입 → have been 앞에서 전치사 with을 접속사 though로 바꿨기 때문에 문장이 되도록 동사 부분을 삽입.
ⓓ some are → there are some people 영어에 더 자연스러운 표현으로 수정.
ⓔ ludicrous coming not from an armchair detective → ludicrous because they do not come from armchair detectives 이유를 나타내는 부분이므로 막연한 분사구문에서 because절로 변환.
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