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G메일 전화

“미스터 웟슨, 컴 히어.” 전화선을 탄 최초의 말이다. 전화를 발명한 벨(Bell)은 몇몇 통화실험용 대사를 준비했지만, 급한 나머지 ‘용건만 간단히’ 통화한 것이다. 인류의 첫 통화로는 너무 무미건조(無味乾燥)한가. 하지만 여기에 전화란 수단의 속성이 모두 담겨 있다. 바로 ‘사람’과 ‘소통’이다.

내가 한 영작
“Mr. Watson, Come here,” ⓐ said Alexander Graham Bell. ⓑ It was the first sentence that was transmitted over the telephone. Bell, the inventor of the telephone, had prepared several lines for his test calls, but out of excitement and nervousness, he got straight to the point. The first phone call was all about business, but it also captured the essence of what the modern invention of the telephone was all about - communication between people.

JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
“Mr. Watson, come here.” Alexander Graham Bell uttered these words, the first sentence that was ever transmitted over the telephone. Bell, the inventor of the telephone, had prepared several lines for his test calls, but out of excitement and nervousness, he got straight to the point. The first phone call was all about business, but it also captured the essence of what the modern invention of the telephone was all about - communication between people.

Writing Tip
ⓐ said Alexander Graham Bell. → uttered these words, 문맥상 그냥 말했다기 보다는 말을 내 뱉었다는 ‘utter’가 적절, 두 문장으로 분리하여 대화체를 살리고 뒤의 문장과 연결.
ⓑ It was → ,(쉼표)

비약적으로 발전한 전화는 굴레를 벗는다. 무선(無線)의 시대다. 정착지를 떠나 유목(遊牧)의 본능을 자극한다. 최초의 무선 휴대전화는 모토로라의 다이나택 시리즈다. 1983년 출시됐을 때 무게가 1.3kg이었다. 너무 커 ‘벽돌전화기’ 혹은 ‘아령 폰’으로 불렸다. 지금은 명함 크기로 줄었지만. 그래도 이 전화기는 중고시장에서 비싸게 거래된다. 클래식이자 컬렉션인 것이다.

내가 한 영작
Telephone has gone through revolutionary developments and broken ⓐ out of the wire. We are living in the era of wireless age. And the wireless feature stimulates the nomadic ⓑinstinct to leave the settlement and travel around. The first wireless mobile phone, the DynaTAC, was introduced by Motorola in 1983. When it first came out it weighed 1.3 kilogram. It was so big and heavy, ⓒ it was called a “brick phone” or a “dumbbell.” The size of cellular phones today are rapidly shrinking, but Dyna TAC is still traded ⓓ in the ⓔ used goods market at a very high price. ⓕ It is ⓖ a classic and collectable article.

JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
The telephone has since evolved and has broken free of the wire. We are now living in the wireless age. And the wireless feature stimulates the nomadic instincts of humans to leave the settlement and travel around. The first wireless mobile phone, the DynaTAC, was introduced by Motorola in 1983. When it first came out it weighed 1.3 kilograms (2.87 pounds). It was so big and heavy that it was called the “brick phone” or the “dumbbell.” The size of cellular phones today are rapidly shrinking, but the DynaTAC is still being traded in the second-hand market at a very high price because it is a classic item wanted by collectors.

Writing Tip
ⓐ out → free 자유로와 진다는 표현은 break free.
ⓑ instinct → instincts of humans 누구의 본능인지 명시하고 사람들의 본능이므로 s를 붙인 instincts로 수정.
ⓒ 없음 → that 접속사 없이 쉼표로만 문장이 연결될 수 없음.
ⓓ 없음 → being 거래되고 있는 상태라는 것을 강조.
ⓔ used goods → second-hand 중고 시장은 second-hand market으로 표현.
ⓕ 없음 → because 이유를 설명하므로 접속사 because를 첨가하여 연결.
ⓖ a classic and collectable article. → a classic item wanted by collectors. 일반적인 사람들이 수집할 물건이라기 보다는 수집가들이 원할만한 아이템임.
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