[Breaking News]
Tablo did graduate from Stanford University: police
Published: 08 Oct. 2010, 16:10
"We received documents that proved Tablo's attendance at the school, which we personally requested from Stanford University," said an official at the Seocho police precinct. "And after looking over the facts very carefully, we came to the conclusion that it is true: Tablo graduated from the school."
The singer had been pummeled with rumors regarding his university degree since questions were first raised near the end of last year. The rumors had evolved into Internet clubs with roughly 200,000 members demanding "the truth" about Tablo's degree.
The singer had made public his graduation diplomas and student records from his time at Stanford to appease the clubs' doubt in his academic credits, but to no avail.
During the interim announcement of the police investigation, the police said they had filed summonses for 22 Internet users who Tablo had sued for defamation in late August.
By Christine Kim [christine.kim@joongang.co.kr]
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with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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