More tears shed at family reunion

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More tears shed at family reunion


Kim Rye-jeong, a 96-year-old South Korean mother, chokes up with tears when she met her 71-year-old daughter Wu Jong-hye on Oct. 30 for the first time since the two were separated in 1950. Wu was 11-years-old when Kim lost contact with her when she fled to the South during the Korean War. Kim, who requires a wheelchair to get around, is the oldest South Korean participant in the fresh round of family reunions, which began over the weekend at Mount Kumgang resort in North Korea. [Joint Press Corps]

1950년에 헤어진 이후로 처음으로 10월30일 남한의 96세 김예정 할머니와 북한의 71세 딸 우정혜씨가 감격의 재회를 하고 있다. 한국전쟁 때 11살이었던 우씨는 남한으로 피난을 떠난 어머니와 소식이 끊겼다. 휠체어에 몸을 의지해야 하는 김 할머니는 주말에 북한의 금강산에서 열린 1차 남북이산가족 상봉행사에서 최고령자이다. [사진공동취재단]
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