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뚱고대 올림픽에 여성은 출전과 관전이 금지됐다. 우승자에게 주는 월계관은 받을 수 있었다. 전차경주의 경우 전차를 끄는 말 주인에게 월계관이 수여됐기 때문이다. 열혈여성들은 월계관을 손에 쥐는 데 만족하지 않았다. 더 위험한 길을 찾았다. 남장을 하고 출전했다. 발각되면 절벽에서 던져지는 벌을 받았다. 여성 출전 금지는 1896년 첫 근대올림픽이 치러지고 나서야 없어졌다.

내가 한 영작
Women were prohibited from participating in or watching ⓐthe games of ancient Olympics, but they were allowed to be awarded the laurel wreath. Passionate women were not satisfied with only laurel wreaths, ⓑthey dared to ⓒventure themselves. They participated in the games, dressing themselves like men. If they were ⓓfound to be women in disguise, they were thrown ⓔover the cliff. The prohibition of women from participation in the Olympics was abolished only when the first modern Olympic Games ⓕwas held in 1896.

Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
Women were prohibited from participating in or watching ancient Olympic games, but they were allowed to be awarded the laurel wreath. Passionate women were not satisfied with only laurel wreaths, they even dared to participate in the games, dressing themselves like men. If they were caught, they were thrown off a cliff. The prohibition of women from participation in the Olympics was abolished only when the first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896.

Writing Tip
ⓐ the games of ancient Olympics → ancient Olympic games 간단한 표현으로 수정.
ⓑ they dared → they even dared 의미를 강조하기 위해 even 추가.
ⓒ venture themselves. They participated → participate venture는 의미상 dare와 중복됨.
ⓓ found to be women in disguise → caught 여러 단어를 하나의 단어로 표현할 수 있는 것이 바람직함.
ⓔ over the cliff → off a cliff over는 ‘넘어감’을 뜻함, ‘떨어짐’은 off로 표현.
ⓕ was → were the Olympics는 단수취급하나 the Olympic games는 복수취급.

2007년 ‘커피프린스 1호점’ 이후 한국 드라마에서도 남장여자 캐릭터는 심심찮게 볼 수 있다. ‘남자로 변장한 미소년(사실은 여자)과 그를 향한 감정에 괴로워하는 남자’도 꼭 등장한다. 일종의 동성애 코드다. 무엇보다 남장은 여성이 금녀(禁女)의 구역으로 들어가는 패스포트다. 최근 ‘성스폐인’이라는 조어를 낳은 KBS 드라마 ‘성균관 스캔들’에서도 남자 못지않은 학식을 지닌 윤희(박민영)가 성균관에 들어가는 방법은 남장이었다. 그렇게 해서라도 시대의 벽을 넘으려고 했던 건 고대 그리스나 17세기 영국이나 조선시대나 별반 차이가 없어 보인다.

내가 한 영작
Then, why did Shakespeare ⓐused ⓑthe plot ⓒabout women in male attire? In the era of Queen Elizabeth I, women were not allowed to appear on ⓓa drama stage. Therefore, young boys acted as women, dressing in female ⓔattire. Even if they were handsome boys, however, it must have been awkward to ⓕsee them act the roles of ⓖopposite sex. Therefore, the plot about women ⓗdisguising men was necessary. Some people say it was the 17th century style of feminism that helped women cross barriers by disguising themselves as males.

Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
Why did Shakespeare use plots involving women in male attire? In the era of Queen Elizabeth I, women were not allowed to appear on the stage. Therefore, young boys acted as women, dressing in female clothing. Even if they were handsome boys, however, it must have been awkward to watch them act the roles of the opposite sex. Therefore, the plot about women disguised as men was necessary. Some people say it was the 17th century style of feminism that helped women cross barriers by disguising themselves as males.

Writing Tip
ⓐ used → use 앞에서 조동사 did로 과거시제가 표현됐으므로 중복해서 과거시제 사용해서는 안됨.
ⓑ the plot → plots 이야기의 줄거리가 여러 가지인 상황이므로 복수로 표현.
ⓒ about women → involving women 남장을 한 여자의 이야기가 아니라 남장 여인이 나오는 이야기임.
ⓓ a drama stage → the stage 특정 무대를 뜻하는 것이 아니라 일반적인 무대를 말함.
ⓔ attire → clothing attire는 특정한 격식에 맞게 갖춰 입은 옷을 뜻함, 일반적인 의복은 clothes나 clothing을 씀, clothing이 더 formal한 표현.
ⓕ see → watch 그냥 보는 것이 아니라 관람하는 것임.
ⓖ opposite → the opposite 반대 성은 정해진 것이므로 정관사 the사용.
ⓗ disguising men → disguised as men 남자를 변장시키는 것이 아니라 남자로 변장하는 것임.
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