Oldboy’s Park shoots flick on iPhone

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Oldboy’s Park shoots flick on iPhone


Director Park Chan-wook demonstrates how he shot a film with an iPhone 4 at a press conference in Yongsan, Seoul, yesterday. By Kim Sang-seon

Park Chan-wook, the director known for such movies as “Oldboy,” introduced yesterday what is claimed to be the first theatrical film shot solely with an Apple iPhone 4 camera by a major Korean director.

Park’s new movie, “Night Fishing,” which was co-directed with his brother, Park Chan-kyung, has a running time of about 30 minutes and took 10 days and a crew of 80 to complete.

The film, which has the same resolution as most movies shown in theaters, was funded by KT, the exclusive service provider for iPhones in Korea.

“Night Fishing” tells of an encounter between a fisherman and a female shaman and will soon be released in a limited number of theaters, though it was previously scheduled to be released nationwide last month.

The film project underscores the growing ability of smartphones to expand into different kinds of cultural activities, including filmmaking, as the quality of built-in cameras improve to produce high-definition quality images.

KT said that “Night Fishing” proves that anyone can use an iPhone 4 to shoot movies on a shoestring budget without the need for expensive camera equipment.

Analysts say that Korean companies can also use the availability of smartphone technology for marketing activities by encouraging the public to shoot video spots on their behalf for posting on the Internet. Korea has more than 7 million smartphone users. Internet portals, including Daum and Naver, already display videos that were shot by smartphones.

“This is a great example of how companies that haven’t been involved in movies are cooperating with artists,” said Park. “Now aspiring directors and those with small budgets will be given a chance to create high quality movies with just an iPhone on one-hundredth of the costs for a normal movie.”

By Jung Seung-hyun [seungjung@joongang.co.kr]

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