GNP-Lee row rages as Chung stands tough

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GNP-Lee row rages as Chung stands tough

Chung Tong-gi, the president’s choice to be chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection, has decided to plow ahead with confirmation hearings after his nomination opened a chasm between the Blue House and the ruling Grand National Party.

Amidst speculation that he would withdraw his nomination, Chung yesterday told reporters swarming around him, “I will do what I have to.” When asked whether he would be attending his confirmation hearings on Jan. 19 and 20, Chung nodded.

The opposition had already declared its intention to block Chung’s approval, and on Monday the GNP’s Supreme Council declared him “unfit” for the job and asked him to pull himself out of consideration.

Yesterday, GNP bigwigs were trying to quell the furor they caused, not to mention fury from the Blue House.

GNP Chairman Ahn Sang-soo read a New Year’s statement at party headquarters and dropped a line that was in the advance copy given to the press. The omitted line read, “Improvements will be made and what needs to be curbed will be,” seemingly an admonition of the Blue House. When asked why he had dropped the line, Ahn said, “The party, government and Blue House will try to do things well through negotiations.” Ahn also canceled a scheduled question-and-answer session with the press.

The presidential office expressed its disapproval of the party’s action on Monday, calling the party’s demand for Chung’s withdrawal “regretful.”

The party’s floor leader, Kim Moo-sung, flew home from a trip to China to help deal with the crisis.

“I only received the end results of [Monday’s] meeting and my consent was never asked,” Kim said during a press conference. “An issue as important as this should have been handled with care. The ruling party, government and the Blue House are the same family, and it would have been basic politeness to have consulted about the matter from within.

“Right now, a single word can become an explosive bomb so we must behave with restraint,” he continued. “We must be prudent, as this cannot turn into a conflict between the party and the Blue House.”

However, the party’s discontent with the Blue House was still evident as several representatives criticized the presidential office’s vetting process.

“The system is very closed,” said GNP Representative Na Kyung-won in a radio interview yesterday. “The biggest problem is that only a handful of people make the decisions in reshuffles.”

“These mistakes have been repeated several times over the past few months,” said Representative Lee Kyeong-jae, also from the GNP. “There really is a problem within the selection process. The president’s choices are problematic, but the bigger issue here is that his advisers recommend whomever he finds to his liking.”

By Christine Kim []

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