Published: 18 Jan. 2011, 18:00
내가 한 영작
It is legal in the United States, Great Britain, France and Russia. Plea bargains are reportedly struck in about 80 to 90 percent of criminal cases in the United States. The United States utilized ⓐplea bargaining system to secure repatriation of American spies from Russia in exchange for the release of Russian spies. When the 10 Russian spies pled guilty, the court sentenced them to a prison term equal to the period they were taken into custody so that they could be released without delay. It ⓑis reported that ⓒthey ⓓconsider bargaining ⓔto ⓕPrivate First Class Bradley Manning, who was arrested on charges of unauthorized disclosure of ⓖU.S. classified information to WikiLeaks, so he would testify that Julian Assange, editor in chief of WikiLeaks, was behind the disclosure.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
It is legal in the United States, Great Britain, France and Russia. Plea bargains are reportedly struck in about 80 to 90 percent of criminal cases in the United States. The United States utilized the plea bargaining system to secure repatriation of American spies from Russia in exchange for the release of Russian spies. When the 10 Russian spies pled guilty, the court sentenced them to a prison term equal to the period they were taken into custody so that they could be released without delay. It has been reported that the U.S. considered bargaining with Pfc. Bradley Manning, who was arrested on charges of unauthorized disclosure of classified information to WikiLeaks, so he would testify that Julian Assange, editor in chief of WikiLeaks, was behind the disclosure.
Writing Tip
ⓐ plea bargaining → the plea bargaining 구체적인 제도이므로 정관사 the 사용.
ⓑ is → has been 보도가 과거 시점부터 지금까지 나오고 있는 상황이므로 과거와 현재를 아우르는 현재완료 시제 사용.
ⓒ they → the U.S. 일반인이 아닌 미국정부가 고려하는 주체임.
ⓓ consider → considered 내용상 과거임, 현재라 하더라도 are considering이라고 해야 함.
ⓔ to → with 흥정은 함께하는 것임.
ⓕ Private First Class → Pfc. 호칭에서 mister를 Mr.로 줄여 쓰는 것처럼 일등병도 줄여씀.
ⓖ U.S. → 없음 미국의 기밀이라기 보다는 미국정부의 기밀임.
이런 플리바기닝이 양성화될 모양이다. 법무부가 어제 플리바기닝 도입을 골자로 하는 관련법 개정안을 입법예고했다. 플리바기닝이 시행되면 내부 가담자의 진술이 중요한 조직범죄나 부패범죄의 수사 효율성이 높아질 수 있다. 반면 부작용 우려도 만만찮다. 피의자를 회유·협박해 진술을 강요하거나 봐주기 수사가 될 수 있다는 거다. 플리바기닝이 약이 될지 독이 될지는 검찰 하기에 달린 셈이다.
내가 한 영작
Soon, plea bargains will be made legal in Korea. The Ministry of Justice on Monday produced a draft revision of the law related to the introduction of a system that allows plea bargaining. When the system is enforced, plea bargains could be used to induce statements from members of crime organizations, producing more efficient investigations ⓐon organized crime and corruption. However, some worry that making plea bargains legal could have negative effects on our legal system. They could be abused to produce forced statements from suspects or to stretch the rules. Whether ⓑthe plea bargaining system will be a ⓒcure or a poison ⓓwill depend on the way the prosecution handles it.
Korea JoongAng Daily 에디터가 수정한 문장
Soon, plea bargains will be made legal in Korea. The Ministry of Justice on Monday produced a draft revision of the law related to the introduction of a system that allows plea bargaining. When the system is enforced, plea bargains could be used to induce statements from members of crime organizations, producing more efficient investigations into organized crime and corruption. However, some worry that making plea bargains legal could have negative effects on our legal system. They could be abused to produce forced statements from suspects or to stretch the rules. Whether plea bargaining will be a panacea or a poison depends on the way the prosecution handles it.
Writing Tip
ⓐ on → into 조사는 들여다 보는 것이므로 into를 씀.
ⓑ the plea bargaining system → plea bargaining the plea bargaining system은 단지 어떠한 제도일 뿐이고 그 제도 안에서 이루어지는 plea bargaining 행위가 독이 될 수도 약이 될 수도 있는 것임.
ⓒ cure → panacea 독을 뜻하는 poison과 대조시키기에는 일반적인 치료를 뜻하는 cure보다는 만병통치약을 뜻하는 panacea가 적절.
ⓓ will depend → depends 무엇에 달려있다는 표현은 미래형으로 쓸 이유가 없음.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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