After culls, now comes the draining

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After culls, now comes the draining

Daegu and the North Gyeongsang governments should take immediate action to handle waste leaking from sites where animals culled due to foot-and-mouth disease were buried, said Cho Won-jin, Daegu-based lawmaker for the Grand National Party, yesterday. He said the total amount of waste in the region is estimated to be 12.32 million liters (3.25 million gallons), the capacity of 1,540 8-ton box trucks.

Daegu and North Gyeongsang are in the upper region of the Nakdong River, a major source of drinking water for residents in the area. Roughly 382,000 animals are buried in the area, according to the central government.

“About one-third of the sites in Daegu and North Gyeongsang are located within a 3-kilometer [1.8 miles] radius of the river,” Cho said. “Rising temperatures will cause the underground waste to smell awful.”

“The worst-case scenario is the waste polluting underground water sources or the Nakdong River,” Cho added.

According to the disposal manual issued by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, local quarantine officials were supposed to dig a hole 4 meters (13 feet) deep, lay plastic on the bottom and spread sawdust or lime to prevent liquid waste from soaking into the soil and underground water sources.

A pipe to vent gases from the decomposing carcasses should have been installed, and a wastewater tank was supposed to be buried beneath the disposal site to collect blood and other liquids. Disposal sites are supposed to be at least 30 meters away from rivers, streams or groundwater sources.

But some local officials said that in some disposal sites, animals were so hastily buried and quarantine officials didn’t follow the manual, failing to install wastewater tanks or gas pipes properly. Improperly built vent pipes or wastewater tanks cause wastewater to flow out from the disposal site because of gas pressure from the decomposing carcasses.

The Yeongju government in North Gyeongsang decided to dig up a disposal site near a farm in Anjeong-myeon yesterday and extract all waste after residents complained that 20 tons of wastewater was rising and flooding the area because of shoddy disposal work.

Local officials said quarantine workers knew there was groundwater near the site, but they just scattered some lime.

Yeongju officials added that some pigs in their death throes tore the plastic lining of the site, leading liquid waste to soak into the soil beneath.

Based on statistics from the Agriculture Ministry, Cho said that a dead cow releases about 160 liters of liquid waste and a dead pig about 12 liters.

According to Cho’s calculation, more than 6,900 tons of liquid waste would be in disposal sites in Andong, North Gyeongsang, where the first outbreak of FMD was confirmed on Nov. 29 and 144,855 animals were culled. Yeongju would have 1,700 tons and Yeongcheon 800 tons.

“Measures to prevent water pollution are urgently needed, such as installing blocking walls inside the disposal sites or using pumps to remove the waste,” Cho said. Cho also urged local governments to build incinerators to burn animal remains instead of burying them.

As of today, approximately 3.3 million animals have been disposed of, according to the central government, and 3.23 million of them are pigs. About 150,000 cows were culled as well as some deer and poultry.

The government estimates the total amount of liquid waste from decomposing animals at sites nationwide at 60.9 million liters, enough to fill 7,615 8-ton box trucks.

By Kim Hee-jin []

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