Oscar season brings a flood of new films

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Oscar season brings a flood of new films


Five of the 10 Oscar nominees for Best Picture will be released in Korea this month and early next month. Above, scenes from three of the films: “Black Swan,” “The King’s Speech” and “True Grit.”Provided by the distributors

With Oscar season drawing near, local distributors are gearing up to release five of the 10 films nominated for Best Picture this year. The other five films already opened in Korea last year.

Although all 10 films have already been released in the West, local distributors have waited until now to release them here because the Oscar telecast is a major factor in boosting ticket sales.

According to Variety magazine, ticket sales in the United States jump about 24 percent on average after a nominated film wins an Oscar.

This year’s awards ceremony will air on Sunday (Monday morning in Korea).

“The time from mid-February to early March is peak season for us because of the Oscars,” said an official at a Seoul-based film PR agency responsible for promoting the British film “The King’s Speech.”

“The date of this year’s Academy Awards was taken into consideration when we set the films’ release dates,” the official added.

Of the 10 Best Picture nominees, “The King’s Speech” is considered the most potent contender for the award. With 12 nominations including Best Director and Actor, this period drama, which tells the story of a British king who works with a speech therapist to overcome his stutter, features British actor Colin Firth as King George VI and Australian actor Geoffrey Rush as his therapist. The film opens here on March 17.

“Black Swan” is another strong candidate for the Best Picture award. With five Oscar nominations, including Best Director and Actress, “Black Swan,” which defines itself as a psycho-sexual thriller, depicts a female dancer and her obsession with the role of the Swan Queen in “Swan Lake.” Natalie Portman, who is famous for her role in the 1994 French action film “Leon” and the new “Star Wars” series, already received the best actress award for “Black Swan” at the Golden Globe Awards last month. The film was released yesterday in Korea.

“True Grit,” directed by Joel and Ethan Coen, was also released yesterday. With 10 nominations, this Western centers on a young girl who hires a U.S. marshal to help her get revenge on the man who murdered her father. Featuring Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon and Hailee Steinfeld, the film is the second adaptation of the novel of the same name by Charles Portis.

“127 Hours,” which earned six Oscar nominations, is already showing at theaters. Directed by Danny Boyle, famous for his 2009 hit “Slumdog Millionaire,” the film is based on the true story of U.S. climber Aron Ralston, who was trapped under a boulder in Utah for about five days and survived by amputating his own arm.

“The Fighter,” which has six Oscar nominations under its belt, is another film based on a true story. This one is about professional boxer “Irish” Mickey Ward and his fight to become the world lightweight champion. The film is slated to open on March 10.

The other Best Picture contenders, which have already been screened in Korea, are “Inception,” “The Kids Are All Right,” “The Social Network,” “Toy Story 3” and “Winter’s Bone.”

By Sung So-young [[email protected]]

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남녀 주연상의 영예가 누구에게 돌아갈지도 관심사다.

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유력한 후보는 콜린 퍼스와 나탈리 포트만. 콜린 퍼스는 `킹스 스피치`에서 신경성 말 더듬증에 시달리는 조지 6세 역을 완벽하게 소화했다는 평가를 받았으며, 나탈리 포트만은 `블랙 스완`에서 완벽에 대한 강박으로 스스로를 파괴시키는 발레리나로 열연을 펼쳤다.

콜린 퍼스는 골든글로브와 배우조합상, 영국 아카데미에서 남우주연상을 수상했다. 나탈리 포트만은 골든글로브와 영국 아카데미 등 각종시상식에서 여우주연상을 휩쓸다시피 했다.

#`인셉션`, 제2의 `아바타` 신세 되나

그간 시상식에서 찬밥 신세나 다름없었던 작품들이 이번 아카데미 시상식을 통해 새롭게 조명받을 것인지도 지켜볼 대목이다.

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올해 `인셉션`이 지난해 `아바타`가 겪은 굴욕을 맛볼지, 아니면 반전에 성공할지도 관전 포인트다. `아바타`는 지난해 아카데미 시상식에 9개 부문에 후보로 올랐지만 시각효과상, 촬영상,미술상 등 3개 부문 수상에 그쳤다. 반면 전 부인인 캐서린 비글로우 감독의 `하트로커`가 작품상과 감독상 등 6개 부문을 수상했다.

그밖에 올해 시상식에는 작품상 등 5개 부문 후보에 오른 `토이스토리3`가 어떤 성적을 거둘지도 주의 깊게 지켜볼 부분이다.

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