Author revels in the independent life

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Author revels in the independent life


Baek Heena, an author and illustrator of children’s books, is one of a few star authors in Korea. Provided by the author

Spiky wires turn into balcony doors and small soap boxes become bunk beds for bunnies in the stories of Korean author and illustrator Baek Heena.

Baek is the award-winning author of three children’s books, including the recently published “Last Night,” which centers on a dozen animals who all live in the same apartment. The book has been a best-seller at major bookstores in Korea since it was released earlier this year.

As an author and illustrator, Baek’s style differs greatly from illustrated children’s books that have flat drawings or rely heavily on repetition or onomatopoeia.

To bring her books to life, Baek makes or draws all of the objects in the photos that illustrate her books. Using every material imaginable, Baek creates miniature apartments, furniture, clothes and stuffed dolls. She has even baked miniature chocolate mud cakes. When everything is ready, she arranges the objects into a scene and photographs it, sometimes taking up to 1,000 shots to get the right image for a single page if necessary.


Baek’s first book “Cloud Bread,” published in 2004, instantly topped best-seller lists upon its release. Since then, her work has brought about changes in the children’s book industry in Korea, which is still heavily dominated by imported books.

As of last week, seven out of the 10 best-selling children’s books at Kyobo Bookstore, the largest bookstore chain, were imported. The remaining three - “Last Night,” “Cloud Bread” and “Moon Sherbet” - were all written and illustrated by Baek.

“Cloud Bread” has sold about 500,000 copies so far both in and outside of Korea and is still ranked as the second best-selling children’s book in the nation.

The story follows two cats who are brother and sister on a rainy day as they find a chunk of cloud hanging low on a tree. They take it to their mother, who uses it to make bread. After a couple of bites of the bread, the siblings discover they can fly. They decide to give the cloud bread to their father, who had to skip breakfast and is on his way to work.

What makes the simple story so special is the way Baek presents it. The characters are paper cutouts that Baek dressed in actual costumes - such as the canary yellow raincoats and rubber boots the kids wear - before photographing them. The success of “Cloud Bread” prompted its publisher to develop the book into a commercial venture. It was made into a musical, animated cartoon series, iPhone application and even an actual bread product by one bakery franchise.

But watching this process was painful for Baek, who had no control over the commercialization process.

According to the contract she signed with her publishing company, she has no rights to the contents of her book, which is a common practice between publishers and new authors in Korea.

Yet it was the experience with “Cloud Bread” that led Baek to launch her own publishing company last year, and she says she is now able to appreciate the experience for the new direction it led her to take.

“If things hadn’t gone wrong with the contract, I may have worked for the publishing company on various projects, instead of doing what I want,” Baek said between sips of her cafe latte during a recent interview with the Korea JoongAng Daily.

Here are excerpts from the interview with Baek.

Q. Your new book “Last Night” is the second by your publishing company Storybowl. How do you feel about your decision to start your own company?

A. When “Moon Sherbet” (the first Storybowl publication) was released (last August), everything was new and difficult for me. I was busy selling books. (Laughs.) But I believe owning my own publishing house is the best form of work for me.

Before “Moon Sherbet,” I had a difficult time as an author - growing pains. Working with other people drained my confidence. I wasn’t sure of myself or whether I could continue working. That was when I decided to do everything myself. Working with a publisher is such a draining process - you have to constantly discuss, modify, persuade and negotiate with the company. Since starting my own company, I haven’t needed to go through that process, which has allowed me to enjoy every part of my work. Doing “Moon Sherbet” showed me that I can keep living as an author.

You had to deal with a controversy involving “Moon Sherbet” when an entertainment agency stole the title and gave it to a girl group. What was that like?

It was just four months after “Moon Sherbet” was published. What I worried about the most was that the image of my book would be tarnished because of the scandal. I didn’t want to lose another book (after “Cloud Bread”). I was also upset that children’s literature had been ignored and undermined by adults.

But last Christmas when I was working on “Last Night,” making stuffed animals, clothes and props, I was able to get through it by listening to Christmas carols. It was a huge comfort and a kind of therapy for me to work on “Last Night” during that difficult time.

In previous interviews, you’ve often talked about the contract you signed with the publisher of “Cloud Bread.” But were there things you were able to achieve with the book as well?

It was a huge blow to me. It was my first book, and for the past six years I’ve had to watch it be developed into various commercial products without my consent. Fortunately, it became an opportunity and I learned a lot about publishing. It also brought me recognition.

With “Moon Sherbet,” when I realized my book title had been stolen for the girl group, I felt responsible but I thought that I shouldn’t try to discourage other artists (from signing contracts) because I had already set a bad example (with “Cloud Bread”).

(Baek couldn’t take legal action against the entertainment agency because she only had the publishing industry copyright for the book and hadn’t applied for copyrights in other industries. That prompted Baek to apply for copyrights in different industries before “Last Night” was published. -Ed.)

It seems like you invent a different style every time you release a new book. In your folktale about a grandmother who boils red bean paste porridge and a tiger who attempts to eat her, you produced beautiful dolls using hanji (traditional Korean paper). Why did you choose to do that?


Baek Heena’s newest book, “Last Night,” centers on a dozen animal characters that live in the same apartment. As with all of her books, the animals, clothes and props were made by Baek. Provided by the author. Baek’s first book, “Cloud Bread,” became a sensation when it was published in 2004. The book instantly topped the children’s book best-seller list, which is still dominated by imported books. [JoongAng Ilbo]

For each project, I try to figure out the best way to tell the story. All the elements have to match the story but should be creative and fresh as well.

Writing is often a reflection of one’s personality. Your heartwarming stories make me wonder what your childhood was like. Was it similar to that of the cat siblings in “Cloud Bread”?

My father used to play acoustic guitar to put us to sleep and my mother baked bread, which later became a motif for “Cloud Bread.” My mother also made clothes for me and my two other sisters all the time. I was a happy child until I went to elementary school. (Laughs.) I think about happy childhood memories whenever I’m having a hard time.

You seem to have a talent for making the food in your books look appetizing. It’s a pity that we can’t buy moon sherbet (ice cold sherbet made from the moon). In “Last Night,” the three-layer chocolate mud cake looked particularly beautiful. Does that mean you’re a good cook?

No! (Laughs.) I hardly spend any time outside my studio. I just fantasize about beautiful and delicious-looking food.

What do children’s books mean to you?

It’s a very limited form of storytelling. There are certain requirements - the book should be bound and there should be a cover page. I think those limits make the work even more interesting. It can be difficult to purchase paintings because they are expensive, but if you buy a picture book you can own beautiful drawings and look at them anytime, anywhere.

What’s next for you?

My daughter has a cute and interesting story to tell. So I’m thinking about developing it into a book and working with her on it. I’m also working on an iPhone application that is a picture book for women. My dream is to have a two-story place where children can come and read books on the first floor and my studio is on the second floor.

By Sung So-young []

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고정관념 탈피하도록 유도해야

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