F1 committee hopes for better 2011 event
Published: 02 Mar. 2011, 20:14

McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton races around the Korean Grand Prix track last October. Last year’s event was the first-ever F1 race in Korea, but it was fraught with problems. Organizers hope to put on a more successful event this year. [JoongAng Ilbo]
The Formula One Korean Grand Prix Organizing Committee said yesterday that tickets for its 2011 F1 race in October are officially on sale and about 30 percent cheaper than tickets were for last year’s event.
The committee said that prices, which have been lowered to 315,000 won ($279) from the 460,000 won average last year, were too high for many people to justify a trip all the way down to Yeongam, South Jeolla, where the Korean Grand Prix is held.
But other problems plagued Korea’s first F1 race last year, namely unfinished construction and management issues, said Park Joon-yung, governor of South Jeolla and head of the organizing committee. Park said the committee hopes this year’s event will be a success.
“Although South Jeolla is a relatively underdeveloped region of Korea, the committee will take charge and prepare for the event the best it can so motor sports can become a new industry and leisure activity for the country.”
On the final day of last year’s event, five sections of the stands were closed off after an inspection revealed weaknesses in their structural integrity. And the combination of rain and unpaved areas around the track and stands combined to make the last day a muddy mess.
South Jeolla also received criticism for giving away thousands of free tickets to try to fill up empty seats, but only ended up recording huge losses.
The committee said it hopes to provide better accommodations and transportation, which were major problems last year as well.
Yeongam earned negative attention around the world for having a lack of acceptable accommodations, causing many to sleep in love motels, which are sometimes used for sex.
The committee said it has secured 59,269 rooms for the Oct. 24-26 event, but hinted that love motels will make up at least some of those rooms, mainly because the Yeongam area doesn’t have the number of major hotels that larger cities do.
“We are currently faced with no other options but to utilize existing accommodations and upgrade their quality,” said Joo Dong-sik, general director of the committee. “But we feel that the upgrades, such as free Internet and cable television, will satisfy our visitors.”
But the committee still has an uncomfortable relationship with Chung Young-jo, the former head of Korea Auto Valley Operation (KAVO) and current head of the Korea Automobile Racing Association (KARA), who was fired from the organizing group because of his disastrous management of last year’s event. Chung is preparing to file a lawsuit against the committee for wrongful termination.
There is also concern the event could be canceled all together because the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile, F1’s governing body, gave KARA the exclusive rights to approve any Korean F1 event, meaning the Korean Grand Prix can be canned if Chung decides he wants to.
By Jung Seung-hyun [[email protected]]
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협약은 F1코리아 운영을 총괄하는 계약으로, 대회승인권을 가진 카라와 운영법인(카보·KAVO)이 맺는다.
박상운 카라 사무국장은 "대회협약을 체결하려면 지난해 F1대회 공인비와 경기진행요원 교육비 등 4억1000만원이 집행돼야 하는데 조직위나 카보 측이 묵묵부답인 상태"라고 말했다.
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◇후원사 유치도 더뎌=지난해 첫 F1대회에서 677억원의 적자를 낸 카보는 올해 개최권료(330억원)를 신용장(LC)으로 해결했으나 중계권료(약 110억원)는 아직 지급하지 못했다.
이에 대해 주동식 본부장은 "정부에 특별교부세 지원을 요청해 긍정적인 답변을 받았다"며 "190억원 규모의 전남도 예산도 오는 5월쯤 추가경정예산안이 통과되면 받을 수 있을 것"이라고 설명했다.
스폰서 유치는 아직 큰 진전이 없는 것으로 알려졌다. 박종문 F1조직위 사무총장은 "대기업은 물론 국내 진출을 노리는 해외기업과 스폰서십 협상을 진행하고 있다"면서 "구체적인 이름은 거론하기 어렵다"고 말했다.
이밖에 영암 F1경주장이 법상 미준공 상태인 점도 해결할 과제다. 이는 경주장이 들어선 간척지 부지의 원 소유자는 농어촌공사인데 운영법인과 땅값조정이 완결되지 않았기 때문으로 알려졌다.
◇"올해 대회는 다르다"=한편 F1조직위는 올해 F1 입장권 가격을 지난해 평균 46만원에서 30% 내린 31만5000원으로 결정했다. 유료관중을 최대한 늘리기 위해 가격인하 카드를 꺼낸 셈이다.
또 기간별 할인시스템을 적용해 이달 말까지 구매하면 50% 할인해주기로 했다. 올해 입장권 수익목표액은 540억원이다.
조직위는 또한 F1경주장에서 2시간 거리에 있는 숙박시설 3946곳에 5만9269개 객실을 확보했다고 강조했다. 아울러 템플스테이와 홈스테이 같은 체험형 숙박시설을 확충하고 대형 크루즈선 도입도 추진하기로 했다.
이밖에 경주장 진입로도 기존 영산강 하구언 도로 외에 국도2호선 대체 우회도로를 개통할 계획이다. 박준영 전남도지사는 "티켓판매와 숙박시설, 교통로 확충 등 지난해에 부족했던 부분들을 개선하겠다"고 설명했다.
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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