Lawyers-to-be revolt over planned revisions

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Lawyers-to-be revolt over planned revisions


About two-thirds of new lawyers who passed the national bar exam in 2010 boycotted the first day of their mandatory two-year training program at the Judicial Research and Training Institute yesterday. [YONHAP]

On the day when Koreans who passed the difficult national bar exam were to begin mandatory training at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, two-thirds of the 974 lawyers who passed the exam in 2010 were no-shows on their first day of training.

Instead, many of the newly minted lawyers held a protest outside against a Feb. 18 Ministry of Justice proposal, which said it was considering hiring law school graduates - who become lawyers through a different process than those who pass the bar - as prosecutors based on their academic records and recommendations from law school presidents and not based on scores law school students receive on their lawyer certification test.

But the ministry backpedaled yesterday, saying that it would consider scores of their lawyer certification test in making hiring decisions for prosecutor positions.

All law school students are required to take the lawyer certification test to become lawyers, as opposed to those who are certified to be lawyers after studying for and passing the bar.

The Korean Bar Association had released a statement before the ministry’s latest announcement, saying, “The ministry’s plan for hiring law school students for prosecutors is not fair for lawyers who become prosecutors after finishing two years of training at the institute.”

One of the protesting lawyers added, “We are asking for fair competition between law school students and the current lawyers passing the bar exam. We know that in law school, there would be many students who failed the national bar exam and enter law school as an alternative or are students whose fathers are serving as high-ranking judges or prosecutors. In this sense, hiring law school students only based on recommendations from law school presidents is problematic and will not get agreements from public as well,” said the lawyer.

The ministry issued a statement yesterday, saying, “We didn’t mean that we will hire law school students without their scores on the certification test, but we will give the chance for the recommended students to work in prosecutors’ offices nationwide and then hire some of them.”

The ministry’s plan for hiring prosecutors is separate from the private market, where employers still consider certification test scores in hiring.

Currently, Korea has two ways to enter the legal profession - attending law school for three years to obtain certification or taking the bar exam and attending the law institute for two years. The Roh administration established law schools in 2008 to broaden the pool of lawyers. The Roh administration had said the bar exam and law schools would coexist until the bar exam is abolished in 2017.

But ever since the ministry proposed revisions to the system, there has been significant criticism. The Korean Bar Association has questioned the effectiveness of law school, saying earlier in the year when the changes were first proposed, that too many lawyers from law schools would lead to low-quality legal service and many young lawyers without jobs.

About 100 of the lawyers who passed the 2010 bar exam and were supposed to be in class took part in the protest yesterday, claiming the ministry’s plans favored students attending law schools, which are considered easier than the bar exam system.

Yesterday, when the institute head tried to give out an appointment certificate to a new lawyer, two lawyers appeared in front of the stage with a banner that read “No appointment for law school students as prosecutors.” O Yong-gyu, an institute spokesman, said, “The absenteeism will be punished.”

By Kim Hee-jin []

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