Seoul seeking water utility fee hike this year

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Seoul seeking water utility fee hike this year

Ending a 10-year freeze on water utility fees, the Seoul Metropolitan Government plans to raise them between 9.9 and 17 percent by the second half of this year, as it finds it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, the city government said yesterday.

The Seoul city government said its debt now amounts to 278.8 billion won ($247 million) because of the 2001 freeze and it needs to come up with more money to improve water quality. Seoul said the fee hike is unavoidable given that Seoul’s net fee for 1 cubic meter of water is 87.5 percent of the production cost of 587.66 won.

According to the Seoul city government, Seoul’s water utility fee per house is less than six other metropolitan governments. While Seoul charges 356 won per 1 cubic meter per house, Busan charges 463 won, Daegu charges 340 won and Incheon charges 478 won. The other three cities - Daejeon, Gwangju, and Ulsan - charge 395 won, 406 won and 584 won per 1 cubic meter, respectively, according to data released by the Seoul city government.

Seoul said its water utility fees are 78 percent of the average fees charged by the six metropolitan governments.

Seoul also said it plans to simplify the four categories it uses to determine water utility fees, including homes, businesses and public bathhouses. It also plans to cut water utility fees for low-income families.

Currently, a low-income household gets an annual deduction of 6,480 won on water utility fees. But under the plan envisioned by the city government, the city government would cover 38,400 won in water utility fees for low-income families per year.

Seoul also said the rate hike for most other households and small businesses would not be extensive given the sharp increase in commodity prices.

The Seoul city government said it is currently discussing the fee hike with the Seoul Metropolitan Council and it is aiming to raise water utility prices by second half of this year.

“There are lots of reasons for raising water utility fees, but the Seoul city government plans to implement the hike gradually after gathering public opinion, as we are in tough times,” a Seoul city government official said.

By Kim Mi-ju []

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서울시에 따르면 현재 수돗물 1㎥당 판매단가는 514.27원으로 생산원가(587.66원)의 87.5% 수준이며, 특히 가정용 수돗물의 경우 1㎥당 356원으로 타 광역시 평균요금 459원의 78%에 불과하다.

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서울시는 4월부터 시의회 등 관련 기관과 업무협의 및 조례 개정에 착수해 올해 하반기 개선된 제도를 시행한다는 계획이다.

서울시 관계자는 "인상 요인은 많이 있지만 서민 경제가 어려운 시기인 만큼 충분한 논의를 거치고 여론을 수렴해 단계적으로 정책을 실시토록 하겠다"고 말했다.

이에 대해 오승록 서울시의원(민주당)은 "고도정수처리시설 공사 등 사업 추진과정에서 과잉투자를 하면서 원가 상승 요인이 생겼는데 이를 시민에게 전가해서는 안된다"며 "사업 속도조절이나 내부 구조조정을 통해 원가를 절감할 필요가 있다고 본다"고 말했다.
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