Lee tells Christian leaders to strive for social unity

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Lee tells Christian leaders to strive for social unity


President Lee Myung-bak, left, and his wife Kim Yoon-ok pray yesterday at the National Prayer Breakfast at COEX, southern Seoul, which was attended by 3,500 Protestant church leaders. By Ahn Seong-sik

President Lee Myung-bak yesterday attended a large prayer meeting and urged local Protestant churches to help heal social differences even as they criticize his administration’s proposal to grant tax concessions to the issuance of Islamic sukuk bond by Korean companies.

The president and the first lady attended the National Prayer Breakfast at COEX, southern Seoul, which was attended by 3,500 Protestant church leaders and social leaders. Lee and first lady Kim Yoon-ok are both Protestant.

“I hope Korean churches will untie the knot of social conflict and play the role as a bridge to achieve the unity of the people,” Lee said in his address.

“I believe understanding and respecting each other with self-restraint and humility are crucial for our society to gain harmony and maturity. I, the president, and our Protestant believers and churches must pursue efforts to achieve reconciliation and harmony and peace.”

Lee, however, did not directly mention the recent protests by local Protestant churches against the government’s sukuk legislation, which critics say could indirectly finance terrorist groups.

The tax bill would help Korean companies gain access to capital from oil-rich Middle Eastern countries.

Tensions between the Protestant community and the government reached a new peak when one of the most influential Protestant evangelists in the country declared war against Lee over the sukuk legislation.

David Yonggi Cho, senior pastor and founder of the Yoido Full Gospel Church, said he would lead a campaign against the legislation, though he withdrew earlier remarks that he would topple Lee over the issue.

Rev. Kiel Ja-yeon, head of the Christian Council of Korea, has also voiced strong concerns over the bill, arguing that the legislation will allow Muslim nations to use their oil money to help promote the Islamization of Korea.

While Kiel was the lead pastor of yesterday’s prayer event, Cho was conspicuously absent.

According to a source at Cho’s church, he was in Hong Kong to attend a previously scheduled prayer meeting there.

Asked about a possible conflict between the Lee administration and the Protestant community, the Blue House rejected the idea.

“It is hard to accept the view that there is a conflict,” said Kim Hee-jung, presidential spokeswoman. “Some leaders had expressed their opinions, but it’s not the view of the entire Protestant community.”

She also dismissed suggestions that the president was addressing the sukuk issue when he talked about the need for the churches to promote harmony and reconciliation at the prayer meeting.

“He was speaking about the general idea of reconciliation, peace and harmony,” Kim said. “It would be a stretch to apply the remarks to a certain topic.”

By Ser Myo-ja [myoja@joongang.co.kr]

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◆국가조찬기도회=1966년 대통령조찬기도회라는 이름으로 시작됐다. 69년부터 대통령이 참석해 왔다. 국가조찬기도회라는 명칭을 쓰게 된 건 76년 8회 때부터다. 2003년 사단법인 대한민국국가조찬기도회로 등록됐으며 올해로 43회째다. 법인 자체 예산과 기업후원으로 치러진다. 박정희 대통령이 일정상 한 번 참석하지 못한 것과 노무현 대통령이 탄핵 중(2004년) 불참하고 대신 고건 국무총리가 자리한 것을 빼곤 현직 대통령이 매년 참석해 왔다.
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