A silver lining? Closer ties between Japan, Korea

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A silver lining? Closer ties between Japan, Korea

As the Korean government and a growing number of Korean citizens are stepping up to help earthquake-ravaged Japan, diplomatic observers hope the two countries will be able to put their conflict-ridden history further behind them as a result of the tragedy.

Immediately after the earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japanese on Friday, the government sent a letter from President Lee Myung-bak and Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan expressing sorrow for those affected by the disaster.

On Saturday, the Korean government sent five search-and-rescue workers and two sniffer dogs, becoming one of the first countries to dispatch a team to Japan.

A second search-and-rescue team, comprised of 102 workers and officials, arrived in Japan yesterday.

During his trip to the United Arab Emirates, President Lee called Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Sunday to offer condolences over the loss of live and devastation.

Almost all of Korea’s political parties issued statements of condolence yesterday.

Korean bloggers scrambled to start online forums to collect money and organize aid to help Japan.

According to an official of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, hundreds of Koreans have made phone calls or sent emails to the embassy to express their sadness.

“I am so touched by Koreans feeling sorry for this as if it were their own affairs and the way they spare no efforts to help us,” Japanese Ambassador to Korea Masatoshi Muto was quoted as saying by Foreign Ministry officials on Saturday.

“Korea’s support is swift and earnest,” said another official of the Japanese Embassy.

Park Chul-hee, a Seoul National University professor who teaches Japanese politics, said empathy toward Japan is spreading among Koreans due to the earthquake and the wrenching scenes on television.

The professor said some improvement in the bilateral relationship made under the leadership of the Democratic Party of Japan is also helping Koreans to feel sympathy for its neighbor.

“This could provide momentum for the two countries to take their bilateral relationship to the next level,” said a Korean official.

Meanwhile, Japan is going ahead with hosting a gathering of the foreign ministers of Korea, Japan and China this weekend in Kyoto, Foreign Ministry spokesman Cho Byung-je said.

Cho said, however, that the event will be shortened from two days to one day. An opening event on Sunday was canceled, Seoul officials said.

By Kang Chan-ho, Moon Gwang-lip [joe@joongang.co.kr]

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우리 교민과 관광객의 안전을 파악하는 작업에도 주력하고 있다. 외교통상부는 사고 직후 주센다이 총영사관을 중심으로 교민 피해를 점검하고 있으며 외교부 본부 및 주일대사관 직원으로 구성된 신속대응팀을 파견, 주요 사고현장을 직접 방문하며 교민 안전을 확인하고 있다.

또 후쿠시마 원자력 발전소 폭발 등 방사성 물질 유출 우려에 대비해 교육과학기술부와 지경부 등이 비상대응체제를 점검하고 `국가환경방사능감시망` 운영을 강화하기로 했다.

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