Japan quake toll rises, one Korean casualty

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Japan quake toll rises, one Korean casualty


A crying woman sits on a road in the devastated city of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, Sunday following a massive earthquake and tsunami that are feared to have killed more than 10,000 people. [REUTERS/YONHAP]

As the death toll rises from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, a Korean national and an ethnic Korean were found dead on a construction site in Ibaraki Prefecture, far south of the quake’s epicenter.

With tsunami waters slowly receding back into the Pacific, hundreds of bodies have been uncovered every day since the 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck Japan last Friday. Some 4,000 bodies were found yesterday and 9,500 remain missing in Miyagi Prefecture alone, according to Kyodo News.

Yet the Japanese government’s official death count as of yesterday afternoon was 1,800 with 1,400 missing and 1,900 injured.

There is still a significant chance of another large earthquake to strike in the days to come, which could produce another tsunami.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Sunday evening that the earthquake was the “worst crisis in 65 years since World War II.”

The 40-year-old Korean national found dead in Ibaraki was surnamed Lee. Lee, who was helping construct a chimney at a thermal power plant, fell to his death when the earthquake hit, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. An ethnic Korean man surnamed Kim, 43, was also found dead at the construction site.

The deaths of the two men were confirmed after the public notified Japanese authorities, who then passed on the news to Korean diplomats.

The Korean Foreign Ministry said Lee’s body could not be recovered because the area could not be reached due to damage from the earthquake.

“We will contact his family members in Japan to prepare for funeral proceedings,” said a Foreign Ministry official.

Due to overloaded phone lines and crippled road systems, the Korean government is having difficulty getting in touch with the 12,000 Korean nationals residing in the quake-stricken region in northeastern Japan. Those who survived are also having difficulty contacting each other, according to survivors.

Fifty-two of the 135 Korean nationals who took refuge at the Korean Consulate in Sendai returned to Korea yesterday, and the remaining 83 will return as soon as flights are available, a Foreign Ministry official said.

Danger from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in Fukushima Prefecture continues to be a major concern after a second explosion yesterday. Reactor No. 3 suffered a hydrogen explosion yesterday similar to Saturday’s explosion in reactor No. 1.

There may be a chance of another explosion as Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) said the cooling system in reactor No. 2 had shut down and officials were getting ready to pump in seawater to cool the core.

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said that yesterday’s blast was unlikely to have caused a leak of radioactive material.

The Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety said there had been no changes in radioactivity levels on the Korean Peninsula after yesterday’s explosion.

Although aftershocks continue to shake northeastern Japan, rescue and relief efforts are in full swing, and Japan announced that 12,000 citizens were rescued as of yesterday.

Korea sent a team of 102 rescue workers early yesterday morning. The team was supposed to leave Seoul on Sunday night but couldn’t because of airport complications. They landed at Narita International Airport and arrived in Fukushima Prefecture in the afternoon. More are on standby to be sent to Japan.

The Japan Meteorological Agency rates Friday’s earthquake at 9.0 on the Richter scale, though the U.S. Geological Survey rates it at 8.9.

By Christine Kim [christine.kim@joongang.co.kr]

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기업의 생산차질은 다른 지역으로 확산하고 있어 이번 산업계 피해는 1995년 고베대지진 당시를 능가할 것이라는 전망도 나오고 있다.

요미우리신문은 대지진 피해를 복구하는데 10조엔(135조원)이상이 필요할 것이라고 전망, 경제적 손실이 고베대지진의 9조6천억엔을 넘어설 것이라고 예상했다.

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한국과 러시아는 일본의 전력부족을 완화하기 위해 발전용 액화천연가스(LNG)를 긴급 지원하기로 했다.

구조팀을 파견한 국가와 국제기구의 수가 88개에 달하고 있으며 특히 최근 영유권 분쟁 등으로 불편한 관계에 있었던 중국과 러시아도 아낌없는 지원을 보내고 있다.

모두 15명으로 구성된 중국 구조팀은 지진 당일인 지난 11일 하네다(羽田) 공항을 통해 일본에 도착한 즉시 이와테(岩手)현으로 향해 생존자 구조에 나섰다. 일본이 중국 구조팀을 받아들인 것은 이번이 처음이다.

미국은 서태평양에서 활동하고 있는 원자력 추진 항공모함 로널드 레이건호를 지진 피해가 큰 미야기(宮城)현 센다이(仙臺) 앞바다에 파견해 구호를 돕고 있다.

국제구호단체들도 성금과 물자를 보내는 가운데 전쟁과 가난으로 신음하고 있는 국가들도 속속 일본을 돕기 위한 온정의 손길을 내밀고 있다.

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