Reserve fund may be tapped to help Japan

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Reserve fund may be tapped to help Japan


Korean rescue workers and Japanese policemen carry bodies they found in ruins yesterday in Sendai, Japan, where the brunt of the damage from the earthquake and tsunami struck. Korea sent more than 100 rescue workers to the quake-stricken area. [YONHAP]

The Korean government is considering tapping its reserve fund to help Japan as it struggles to recover from the earthquake, tsunami and the ongoing nuclear power plant crisis, Seoul officials said yesterday.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade “is discussing with other related government agencies about whether to use the reserve fund to finance assistance for Japan,” said a ministry official.

“We are discussing it in preparation for the possibility that Japan will make such a request to us,” the official added.

The reserve fund is maintained aside from the regular national budget and is used for contingencies.

A total of 2.4 trillion won ($2.1 billion) was earmarked for the reserve fund this year and 1.59 trillion won was still available as of yesterday, according to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.

The government used 600 billion won from the fund to deal with the foot-and-mouth epidemic earlier this year. Another 210 billion won was used for peace-keeping missions overseas and other national affairs, the Finance Ministry said.

The government usually uses its Official Development Assistance fund to help countries suffering from natural disasters. For instance, it said it spent more than $10 million from the ODA budget for quake-hit Haiti last year.

But most of Korea’s ODA is used to aid developing countries.

About $200,000 of the budget is available for advanced countries, but the government already used around $160,000 to help New Zealand after Christchurch was hit by a deadly earthquake last month.

The government spent $5 million from its reserve fund to help the U.S. after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in 2005.

If the government decides to use the reserve fund, the money could be given to Japan in two to three weeks after a cabinet approval, according to the Finance Ministry official.

By Moon Gwang-lip []

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실제로 한 정부 당국자도 사견임을 전제로 "민간의 모금 분위기가 크게 활성화되고 있어 정부가 굳이 현 단계에서 예산을 쓰겠다고 나설 필요는 없을 것으로 보인다"고 말했다.

정부는 정부 차원의 인도적 지원은 외교부를 교섭창구로 하되 정부 각 부처의 지원은 총리실에서 종합 검토해 결정할 방침이며, 민간 차원의 지원은 양국의 적십자사를 기본 창구로 할 방침이다.

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