Envoy says arigato for Korea’s help, sympathy

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Envoy says arigato for Korea’s help, sympathy


Masatoshi Muto

Japanese Ambassador to Seoul Masatoshi Muto yesterday expressed appreciation for Korea’s aid and condolences after last Friday’s deadly earthquake and tsunami.

“I am touched by Korea as it has comforted and helped Japan as if it were suffering itself,” Muto said in an exclusive interview with the JoongAng Ilbo.

“Many countries are helping Japan, but assistance by Korea and the United States are particularly in the Japanese media’s spotlight,” Muto said. “We feel grateful that the Korean government provided assistance most quickly.

“Korea sent two sniffer dogs and five search-and-rescue workers earlier than other countries, and then sent another 100 search-and-rescue workers.”

Assistance from the Korean public was also encouraging, he said.

Korean civic groups, including those protesting Japan’s wrongdoings during colonial rule, are collecting money and organizing aid to help Japan.

Muto said many Koreans have made phone calls or sent e-mails to the Japanese Embassy to express their sadness. He said aid efforts by Korean celebrities popular in Japan are also much appreciated.

“I think the encouragement by those figures who Japanese respect and love will be a big help,” Muto said.

He said the calm of the Japanese, which has been universally praised, conceals their inner sadness and need for solace.

“They try to repress their emotions of sadness, considering those who might have suffered more than them,” he said. “But they will be crying on the inside.”

The ambassador said that he fears more damage from the earthquake will come to light and that Japan hopes Korea and other countries will provide help on a sustainable and long-term basis.

About concerns that the disaster will reduce trade between Korea and Japan, the ambassador said infrastructure and factories are recovering rapidly and a massive recovery project launched by the Japanese government could provide a strong boost to its economy.

Muto said Korea and Japan may be exchanging information about the situation at the stricken nuclear power plant because of the possible impact of radioactivity on its neighbor.

By Kang Chan-ho, Moon Gwang-lip [joe@joongang.co.kr]

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