Fearful of radiation, some people search for iodine

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Fearful of radiation, some people search for iodine


Visitors from Japan pass through a scanner to check radiation levels at Busan International Ferry Terminal yesterday. The radiation detection began in Incheon International Airport on Thursday. [NEWSIS]

Some Koreans are scrambling to get their hands on iodine pills in case radioactive materials from the nuclear reactors in Fukushima reach Korea.

Although the Korea Meteorological Administration assured the public there is only a slight chance of radiation spreading to Korea, some people think the government is too optimistic. “I don’t trust the government,” said a 27-year old company worker surnamed Lim. “What if rumors that the wind will reach the Korean Peninsula turn out to be true later? I’m trying to find potassium iodide to prepare for the worst-case scenario.”

The state-run weather agency said the Prevailing Westerlies are blowing most radiation from the crippled Fukushima Prefecture plant out to the Pacific Ocean, not toward the Korean Peninsula. But Jim Walsh, an international security analyst at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in an interview with CNN that the International Atomic Energy Agency should be more proactive about the radiation from Japan.

“This has international implications,” Walsh said in an interview with CNN Thursday. “Let’s say bad things happen in next couple of days ... [if] the wind goes west not east. That means you will have radioactivity going in South Korea and China and parts of East Asia ... This has environmental implications for that entire region. This is turning into an international issue and it can’t be managed by local utility people.”


Kim Yeong-ju, a 38-year old homemaker in Suwon, said she’s been looking for potassium iodide pills after she heard from neighbors that many people are looking for supplies of the pills, which can protect humans from radioactivity affecting their thyroid glands, one of the primary risks of exposure.

Kim phoned pharmacists and hospitals to check if they had the pills, but they didn’t. She saw recommendations on Internet message boards of overseas Web sites that sold the medicine, but when she contacted them, she was too late: they had sold out of their supplies.

Instead Kim bought dried seaweed and kelp because she heard rumors that they can help prevent radiation from reaching the thyroid gland. Sales of masks have also jumped, thanks to the fears of radiation, and also the Chinese yellow dust that’s expected to hit the Korean Peninsula in the spring. Pharmsnet, an online shopping mall for medical supplies, said sales of masks saw a five- to six-fold increase this week.

According to the Korea Food and Drug Administration, no pharmaceutical company in Korea is currently producing potassium iodide. Korea United Pharm was the only pharmaceutical company that produced it since 2001, but it stopped production in 2006 because of lack of demand.

As demand for potassium iodide continues to grow, Korea United Pharm asked the Korea Food and Drug Administration to allow it to resume production. “Ingestion of iodide can help prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid,” said Hwang Bo-yeoung, an official at Hallym University Medical Center. “If a person has a high risk of being exposed to radiation, he should take iodide and if a person is already exposed to radiation, he should have taken it sooner.”

Choi Yoon-young, a professor at Hanyang University Hospital’s nuclear medicine department, warned that iodide medicine isn’t a cure-all for radiation exposure.

“Iodide helps the thyroid, but it doesn’t help other parts of the body that are exposed to radiation,” Choi said.

By Kim Mi-ju, Park Tae-kyun [mijukim@joongang.co.kr]

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이번 일본에서 세슘과 함께 검출된 방사선 요오드는 갑상선암을 일으키는 원인으로 알려졌다. 이 때문에 비상치료제로 쓰고 있는 방사선 없는 요오드를 복용하면 방사선 요오드가 체내로 흡수되는 것을 최대 80%까지 막을 수 있다.

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