Choi’s reappointment stirs DP to call for changes

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Choi’s reappointment stirs DP to call for changes

After the ruling party-dominated legislature last week backed the president’s decision to reappoint Choi See-joong as head of the Korea Communications Commission for a second three-year term, the opposition Democratic Party said yesterday that it will seek to revise the confirmation hearing system of minister-level officials to require the National Assembly’s approval.

President Lee Myung-bak last month nominated Choi, the incumbent head of the country’s telecommunications body, to serve the post for another term until 2014. The National Assembly’s committee for culture, sports, broadcasting and telecommunications held a nonbinding confirmation hearing of Choi on Thursday and adopted a report on the process Friday.

The Democratic Party had fiercely protested Choi’s reappointment. In protest, the 13 Democrats on the 28-member committee boycotted the vote to adopt the report, but the Grand Nationals attended the session and adopted the document.

After the development, the Democrats said yesterday that they will revise the law governing confirmation hearings of minister-level officials to make a vote by the full session mandatory.

While the legislature’s approval is mandatory for top officials such as the prime minister, head of the Board of Audit and Inspection and chief justices of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court, the president’s appointment of ministerial-level officials does not require the lawmakers’ endorsement.

“The current system allows the president to go ahead and make an appointment if the majority party agrees with the decision,” Representative Jun Byung-hun, the DP’s chief policy maker, said yesterday.

Choi, 73, is a former journalist of the Dong-A Ilbo. Lee appointed him as the first chairman of the KCC in 2008 to carry out an ambitious media industry reform program. During his term, slated to end on March 25, the commission selected operators of new general programming channels.

By Ser Myo-ja []

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