Korea in focus at major book fair in Abu Dhabi

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Korea in focus at major book fair in Abu Dhabi


Visitors browse the exhibits at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, which was held in the United Arab Emirates’ capital from March 15 to 20. Korea was the focus of the fair’s marketing section at this year’s fair. [JoongAng Ilbo]

All eyes were on Korea at this year’s Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, which ended Sunday in the United Arab Emirates’ capital. Each year, the fair focuses its marketing section on one country and this year that country was Korea.

“With a cultural focus on France and a market focus on Korea, the 21st Abu Dhabi International Book Fair is the meeting point for business, networking, academics, celebrated authors, poets, illustrators and artists,” the organizer said in a statement on the book fair’s Web site.

Since 2007, the book fair has been organized by Kitab, which is a joint venture of the Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage and the Frankfurt Book Fair. The Frankfurt Book Fair is the world’s largest book fair with more than 500 years of history.

This year’s Abu Dhabi fair was held with the participation of 875 publishing companies from 58 countries, an increase of approximately 15 percent from last year.

A number of Korean publishers participated in this year’s book fair and the Korean Publishers Association participated in the fair for the first time.

Children’s book publishers had a strong presence at this year’s fair and were represented by Yeowon Media, Kyowon, Korea Schweitzer and Choice Maker. About 20 other publishing companies displayed approximately 100 books at the fair as well.

Most of the Korean books shown at this year’s fair were children’s books, based on the success that Korean authors of children’s books have had in bringing Korean culture to other countries.

In recent years, Korean authors have gained international recognition for their work. Korean author Kim Hee-Kyung’s book “A House of the Mind: Maum” won the Bologna Ragazzi Award for nonfiction at this year’s Bologna Children’s Book Fair in February. Baek Heena won the illustrator of the year award for “Cloud Bread” (2004) at the same book fair in 2005. The Bologna Ragazzi Award honors the best books in terms of graphic and editorial design, according to the book fair Web site.

Many renowned Korean writers made the trip to Abu Dhabi this year, including Lee Mun-yeol and Kim Joo-young. The two authors were featured at an event called “Conversation with Korean Writers” on Tuesday, the opening day of the Abu Dhabi book fair. The event was part of “Middle East Meets Far East - A Literary Bridge Between the U.A.E. and Korea,” an event organized by the Korea Literature Translation Institute.

On the second day of the fair, a seminar was held to promote Korean books in the Arab market. According to a press release by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, this event was held to broaden Korea’s literary trade relationship beyond Egypt and Jordan. Prior to this year, a limited number of Korean literature works have been translated into Arabic - including “Three Generations” by Yom Sang-seop, “Sound of Thunder” by Kim Joo-young and “Meeting with the Brother” by Yi Mun-yeol - but it is expected the book fair will help expand the market.

“This book fair can be a stepping stone for Korean books to be disseminated in the U.A.E. and all over the Arab world,” Moon Seung-hyun, assistant director of the Korean Publishers Association, was quoted by the JoongAng Ilbo as saying.

By Lee Sun-min, Bae Young-dae [[email protected]]

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