Cost of moving U.S. base goes up

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Cost of moving U.S. base goes up

The cost of relocating the United States Forces Korea’s (USFK) main bases from the capital area to Pyeongtaek, southwest of Seoul, was estimated yesterday to be 8.89 trillion won ($8 billion), according to the Ministry of National Defense.

The figure is 3.3 trillion more than the amount approved by the National Assembly about six years ago.

At a media briefing held at the base’s construction site in Pyeongtaek yesterday, the ministry said construction costs would be about 5.03 trillion won, an increase of about 587 billion won.

The ministry said inflation played a role in the increased cost, but the ministry had expected other costs to come into play, and funds were reserved to help cover the increase.

Apart from construction costs, relocation-related costs will be about 3.86 trillion won, the ministry said.

In December 2004, the National Assembly passed the Yongsan relocation agreement, which called for the relocation of about 80 USFK bases across Korea.

Under the agreement, USFK headquarters, currently located in Yongsan District, central Seoul, and nine other major U.S. military bases in Seoul and the northern Gyeonggi area would be moved to Pyeongtaek.

At the time, 5.59 trillion won was approved for the relocation, including 4.44 trillion won for construction and 1 trillion won for land purchases in Pyeongtaek, along with other management costs.

Additional costs since then, a ministry official said, “include 1.1 trillion won in financial support for the city of Pyeongtaek and moving costs of about 100 billion won.”

The official said money is needed to pay to dismantle the bases and for environmental cleanup.

The current 8.89 trillion won estimate is expected to surpass 9 trillion won when adjusted for inflation during the remaining construction process.

The ministry said Korea and the U.S. have agreed to finish building the Pyeongtaek base by 2015 and relocate U.S. military personnel to the new base by 2016.

A total of 226 buildings, taking up about 3.3 square kilometers (815 acres), will accommodate about 17,000 U.S. soldiers in Pyeongtaek. There are currently around 28,500 USFK soldiers in Korea.

By Moon Gwang-lip []

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용산 → 평택 미군기지 이전비용 … 3조3000억늘어 8조8900억원

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